General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat on Earth Is happening?

What on Earth Is happening? in General Discussion

    My solo Unranked is on VHS but my ranked matches is only exactly 3k. Can someone explain this? im really confused


      solo ranked and solo unranked are separate and can be different

      Este comentario fue editado
      Mike Wazowski..!

        Git gud to get to vhs kappa


          Relate I'm 3700

          LOVE YOURS

            4Head asdsa


              But im already on VHS

              Not Trying!

                Its always that way mate.. for some reason u will play 1 skill bracket above ur ranked in ur unranked matches unless u r already in vhs ranked.. like triple said.. its 2 different thing dont think too much into it..


                  Oh man. This sucks.


                    You deserve it as you are a smurf

                    Miku Plays

                      I'm VHS in rank and normal skill in unrank