General Discussion

General DiscussionWinter Wyvern Ultimate

Winter Wyvern Ultimate in General Discussion
Eternal Meow

    I am bad at playing her and I do bad playing with her on my team. If you cast some ult at the same time, it cancels it. I know not to cast mine when she casts hers but it seems like I cast at the same time as WW. I think the only way around it is wait until WW casts first and then cast after, but I can't always tell if she's going to do it or not. I try to avoid picking heroes with long CD on ults if she's on the team, because it's nearly always cancelled. Are there any tips for playing this hero and playing around her?


      Communicate, I play WW, and i always will say, "at beginning im going to curse the Invoker" or i will just wait for someone to pop bkb and ill use it on them to cancel the bkb. so just dont ult on bkb opponents and use ult if WW hasnt used it to start team fight.