General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you guys think this new DDOS shit will ever get fixed?

Do you guys think this new DDOS shit will ever get fixed? in General Discussion

    I know a guy who can do it but wont tell me how, I'm guessing its an actual DDOS on the server because when spectating a game he dropped, my whole internet connection went to shit until i reset my router giving me a new dynamic IP.

    As far as i was aware you need a rather strong botnet/booter to even impact the servers.


    I'd really like if the method was outed as ive lost 2 games over the past few days to this shit as i was about to win, which sucks...if only it was that easy.

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        You don't need strong botnet, you just need strong Internet. Optical one probably, with huge upload/download, so you can send huge packets and lag-out the server.

        Now how it's done that's different thing, and I won't talk about that, esp. since I'm not into Dota 2 DDOS-ing, but having botnet is not only option.

        The only way to fix it is to put higher security on servers, stronger VPN firewalls and filters, which also means more money to be invested on servers, so it's up to gaben.

        They can't just click one button or patch it out.


          Yeah the guys went from 3k to almost 6k in a few weeks, its actually so dumb since im trying my hardest to get to 5k myself... only 186 MMR away!. It makes me lose motivational tbh.

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              if this is fixed clq will hit 7k instantly


                @Veroxity yeah sounds about right, doubt gaben would invest loads of money into ddos protection and rerouting.

                sometimes i think about if we'd be better off going back to the old way the servers handled it without all the "poor network conditions" shit. Although then people would just find a way to get around it.


                  oh my recent winstreak is legit btw incase i look suspicious lmao.