General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR is an indication of the skill bracket of a group of individuals

MMR is an indication of the skill bracket of a group of individuals in General Discussion
shag bro

    Dota is a game with rich history of plays and pro players. With the resources available at our fingertips (such as pro players stream, competition replays and analysis) to improve the skill cap of players, hence the improvement of many players rising from 3k to 4k 5k etc.

    What i'm saying is that MMR is indicative of your skill, however it depends on the group of individual in the same pool as you. You improve to higher mmr when you learn more or are more accurate with your judgement than others.

    Eg 3k players niow play like 4k but due to the pool improving with them, they cant climb out of that trench. I'm not sure if it's only me who has this consensus


      :P write a book about it


        what's up with these threads today? I saw like 10 of them xd


          ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ "3k players now play like 4k" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

          shag bro


            I mean, now they are all about copying the pro scene, juking, 5 man strats, buying proper items and stuff.
            And they're only 3k. Although there are differences in 3k and 4k but that gap is slowly but surely closing.


              4k players now play like 10k gods


                The gap isn't closing because as 3k plays more like 4k, 4k plays more like 5k, 5k more like 6k etc. Eventually 6k will be average for a normal player.


                  "Eventually 6k will be average for a normal player."



                    Dire Wolf

                      For that to happen you have to have mmr inflation because mmr is actually zero sum when no new players are added. Every time you gain mmr someone else loses it. And I think it's zero sum, even when say a 6k gets placed with 4ks and loses like 30-40 pts, the opposing team gains that much back.

                      So for collective skill to go up you need a bunch of new players joining who lose a lot and push lowbies up then quit the game. And this has to happen repeatedly. Like a trickle up effect. So yeah it could happen.

                      shag bro

                        Rising to 6k as an average is exaggerating but knowing the mechanics, having map awareness and proper play style similar to that of higher mmr players is definitely possible is what I'm saying

                        shag bro

                          It's funny cause i was watching this video of n0tail playing on ranked. This was awhile back and he was a 5.4k player matched against of team of mid 3ks and one 4k (n0tail was playing brew and he kept targeting this sues even when there are other enemies around. He kept aiming the zues to the point where he dives the enemy Base and gets killed for it)

                          My point is that in the past, the pool of players are so small that 5ks get matched with 3ks. Now there are so many players that any one given moment (<7k), there are players matched to their own mmr

                          Este comentario fue editado

                            I dont know about that. i get paired with MASSIVE mmr gaps in my games. For example:


                            the enemy windrunner was 7k MMR While my party's MMR was 5300, My personal party MMR was 4700 at that game. 2.3k gap is a lot.