General Discussion

General DiscussionNecro is so fucking OP

Necro is so fucking OP in General Discussion

    I swear in my last gane I afked for 2 mins and ran down mid 7 times but still won with necro because of his hullshit 2 min kill no bb.

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        High Skill trash

        Pale Mannie



            @Nacho. Im 200 MMR from VHS. And necro is OP even in 5k+ bracket. I think he has 53% winrate last time I checked


              Well, Necro isnt OP. The good thing about him is that most of his builds win games. If you go GG + BM you end up healing all your team while doing a lot of dmg the longer you are alive and if you get Aghs in the late game and you are lucky enough to use your ulti on the enemy carry is a free road to wining an Objective in the game. And is so easy for him to get money with his ulti, you just have to in a team fight and ulti someone. I don´t think he is OP, just imagine if all Trent build Aghs and can get the money fast enough to do it that would be a game changer pretty much.

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                Your Wife's Boyfriend

                  I will steam report every necro from my team that goes GG + bm, f*ckin awful anti-fun 2k build