General Discussion

General DiscussionDotA Ranked MMR System

DotA Ranked MMR System in General Discussion

    Let's be clear right away in the beginning , I think the MMR System is excellent system and works fine in DotA 2, but i have one BIG thing that i need to say to you and to see what u think about that! I mean we all can agree there is alot of dota player who are "di*k-players" care only about themselfs and so on, so i have proposol lets write to valve to make system work even better.

    U WIN U GOT +25
    U LOSE U GOT -25

    And lets add if u feed, if u leave or u are nominated by 5 ppl to get -100 and rest of your team got +0 -0

    This system was perfect and worket fine at DotALeague.

    Lets write to volvo what u think?

    ASSESS Product

      Wet dream for mmr booster.


        nor people in ur games neither the system are able to evaluate objectively ur impact. any kind of such a mechanics can (and will) be abused.
        longrun win/loss ratio is the only objective and accurate evaluation of ur skill.


          Yea reson why i said 5ppl , so one of enemy need to vote 2, so only ppl who rly ruin games can get -100 mmr....


            And i dont see how thay can abuse the mmr with this? thay need to find account to ruin games -100 mmr and after 1 game thay lose same bracket...


              OP ur a massive pu$$y and u have no SWAG. Know yo thang.

              Swap Commends

                Illuminati confirmed


                  More like who ever gets to low prio gets -100 MMR more than what he lost. And his team should still get -25 MMR. Also filter insolence in chat and let them have -25 MMR for each. Also make people who are not playing ranked for like 3 days start getting -1 MMR per hour. Also enable negative MMR and make everyone who didnt lose MMR under 0 lose it now. If we cant keep track of those who lost MMR but were 1 MMR we make every player in dota lose 250 MMR. Also enable betting. U can bet every game to win 5 more MMR than you should on your win or lose 500 more on your loss. Also make people on losing streaks lose 10% more MMR for every loss in a row starting after the 3rd loss.

                  Este comentario fue editado

                    So tell me what do you think if I was Valve and implemented this system?

                    Este comentario fue editado
                    ROAD TO HERALD 0

                      This is why I love Dotabuff.

                      Come for the stats, stay for the shitposts.


                        @Light - i think this thread is over :D


                          ^Every thread needs a Grande Finale

                          det skjuts foer lite punkt

                            i hope u die in aids so fucking retarded suggestion hahahahahahah


                              DotALeague had a most sucessfull system in hole history of DotA game and u think its bad?


                                I like the idea, it reminds me the system of RGC. Also, just ignore the garbage comments, because this forum is plague with, you know...

                                immatures :)


                                  U should get 1k mmr for 20 games winstreak

                                  Melancholy LSD

                                    This idea would ruin my chi long qua style of playing if I had ranked. But yes when I actually get to ranked this will help


                                      my head hurt

                                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                        My nutsack is sweaty