General Discussion

General DiscussionAny 5k+ people do bounty coaching? Or kitrak if you see this?

Any 5k+ people do bounty coaching? Or kitrak if you see this? in General Discussion

    So I decided to give bounty a go (only got 60 games in the past 12 months) and things seem to be going well but im sure theres a shit ton of mistakes i'm doing or ways i could be using my time better. Id like some coaching if anyone legit is offering? Paid of course but not like $20+ an hour or someshit.

    Im literally on the edge of 5k so It'd be nice if i could gain it with some help :) although i'm sure to lose it if i stop playing my 5 heros i spam rofl.

    Giff me Wingman

      you do seem to be doing fine, even without coaching you should be able to get 5k rather easy.


        i got no time for real coaching and dont consider myself good enough to do it, but here are some free itemization tips:
        -do not rush gg, keep arc and mek as 2 separate items for a while. the 1700g recipe barely gives you anything
        -ur item pool is too narrow for this hero. besides purchasing blink and pipe more often, id suggest: force staff, vlads, linkens, glimmer's cape, solar crest, halebard, and lotus orb. its good that u get gem pretty often on him, btw, bh is a very good game (and gem) carrier.

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          @acc booster Yeah im winning alot atm but il be sure to probably hit my cap and go on a loss train, so i thought maybe id ask around and fix the things i do wrong currently :P.

          @Triple do you think like arc>urn>mek is decent aswell? i see alot of people going urn but im not sure on it since i try to get mek ASAP?
          -Also i think you're right about glimmer and lotus since i don't really play much support ive never really bought those items and i guess i tend to skip them more and especially lotus sometimes i feel like i dont want to waste the active badly.

          If anyone else has some suggestions or offers feel free.


            @triplesteal very good gem carrier retard

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                  bh is a very good game carrier

                  nice edit mongol xD

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                    ok i editted

                    i dont like urn myself, and recently most good ppl do not purchase it when playing bounty, cz its not cost-efficient. u can still give it a try though.


                      imo as bh you have to pressure the mid a ton early, you need to get some shit early in order to be a hero later.
                      cuz bh is not a hero if he didnt get an okish start and his only way of contributing is if some1 kills tracked people


                        credit to: deserstion

                        Hero/game mechanics:
                        Shuriken has a pretty low range, while the bounce range is quite high. if you are level 6+, track the hero slighly farther away before throwing shuriken at a closer hero/creep.
                        You can get the bonus damage of Shadow Walk as you are stealthing if you get the hit off during fade time. At level one, this gives you an extra 90 physical damage over 3 hits. This only works for the first two levels of Shadow Walk normally, as bh doesn't have the attack speed necessary to get a hit off during the fade time of the higher levels of the spell.
                        At level one, Shadow Walk has a fade time of a 1 second, which is a pretty long time. Be mindful of it. I have seen many Bounty Hunters walk out of fog into enemy vision before being stealthed, which many times get you killed or makes you lose out on some kill potential.
                        You can eat a sentry or ward with a tango. As a BH you must abuse this. when an area is contested and the enemy has vision, you cannot just right click the sentry. Cut it down with a tango. I sometimes rebuy tangos or a quelling in the midgame for this reason. Bonus: you get double the tango regen by eating a ward.
                        Creeps agro onto you while you are stealthed if the enemy has vision of you. In a lane, if the heroes in the lane can't immediately kill me, I like to walk near the creeps and right click an enemy hero anywhere on the map. If i start getting hit, I will drop a sentry and eat the sentry or ward in the area.
                        Shadow walk has a 5 second window where you can re-stealth out of stealth. I try to make much of what I try to do happen in that five second window. If i want to test an area and for a sentry and eat it, I will walk up during those 5 seconds, do the agro test, drop a sentry and eat their sentry, then re-stealth and walk away. When harassing a hero out of stealth, I will re-stealth as he is walking to tower/other heroes for an extra 30-60 physical damage burst.
                        When trying to steal bounty rune at min 0, and there is a hero on top of the rune spawn, spam right click than hold/stop alternatively. IE: press rightclick,h,rightlick,h.... When I do this I get the rune more than 50% of the time.

                        Skill and item build:
                        My first level is in shadow walk, then I level jinada. After this I max shuriken and take track at 6. I take a second level shadow walk at 8 then max track/jinada. shuriken must be maxed as shuriken bounces are your biggest weapon in early to midgame fights. I take only two levels in shadow-walk because of the extra physical burst potential you get by getting a hit off during fade time. If that is irrelevant, feel free to alter that part of the skill build.
                        My starting items are a tango, a pair of sents, and an orb of venom. the orb is necessary for harassing/setting up early kills. A sentry is important to deward early sentries in the mid and safe lane. Tango is required for the dewarding. Alternatively, you can swap out the sents for two clarities so you can roam more effectively, just be sure to buy when you get the gold. I do this if the enemy has a jungler and I expect to follow him around a bit early. after this get brown boots. If your team doesnt have an urn carrier, get an urn, otherwise go straight mana boots. After mana boots, mek is core. Once mek is completed, feel free to build any support/utility item is necessary for the game . Do not go the flashy dagon build, even if you are quite farmed early. Bounty hunter is most effective when your team can take winning teamfights, as the track gold feeds all surrounding heroes. For this reason, you need to shore up your team's survivability. Gold is rather inefficiently utilized on BH, but he gets a lot of it. If you are getting all the kills, and your team isn't a part of it, chances are that you will fall off later on, and your team may not be strong enough to win 4v5. You are a support. Focus on winning lanes for your team, than focus on letting your team win teamfights.

                        The rune:
                        Before the game starts, you want to go scout out the enemy team. Do not passively wait until the rune spawns then go to steal it. I like to stealth around -37 sec, Scout the enemy, restealth in the trees at -17 sec, and make a steal attempt if makes sense to. When you are scouting, take a note of what the starting items of the enemy heroes are, and what wards/detection they have. Alt click any important items/wards to alert teamates. If the enemy is missing, ping spam bot and tell them to be careful, as the enemy team may be setting up for fb bottom. Do not go for the rune if there are enough heroes with lockdown to kill you once you get the rune. If you decide to go for the rune, keep track of the sentries the enemy heroes have. If they place it, it is a small victory, as now you have one less sentry to worry about. If you get rune, and they sentry right after, you have a small time frame where you can drop a sentry, eat theirs, and restealth to avoid death.

                        The Midlane:
                        One of the highest impact I think a bh can have is gimping the enemy mid. Test for detection and deward if there is any. hit the enemy mid coming and going out of stealth if he walks out of tower range.
                        DO NOT constantly sap experience from your mid. Your goal is to win mid, not gimp your own mid. Wait for the 5 sec shadowalk window to come up out of xp range.
                        I don't like passively waiting for courier. If the enemy walks back to get bottle you would have wasted your time. I only look to snipe courier against a bottle rushing hero, such as zues or TA.
                        If the wave is meeting on the enemy hill, you can try to go back to your t2/t3 and block a wave.
                        If the enemy is playing way too passive and not giving you any opportunities, that can be good enough. Your mid should win by outfarming. You can look to impact other lanes at that point.
                        Do not worry about dying too much if it secures your mid a kill on the enemy mid. If the enemy mid is just out of tower range, and you have jinada, let your mid know that you want to dive. Do not do this if you have no kill potential.
                        If the enemy mid disappears, or goes to base when he is somewhat low, check for him in the jungle. You can potentially find him 100 hp at the hard camp.
                        Heroes that are difficult to kill mid: WR, Zues, QOP. WR and QOP have defensive abilites that may make them hard to kill. Zues can CS from underneath his tower. If the enemy mid is one of these, consider contributing to other lanes. Against a QOP if you have a sense of blink timings, you can try to use shuriken ministun to interupt her blink animation.
                        If you want to put a lane ward mid at start, make sure you place it in such a way that it won't get dewarded by a sentry placed in the middle of the river.

                        The Jungle:
                        When the enemy team has a jungler I like to start in the jungle and roam mid. This is because early farm and levels for a jungler is incredibly important. If he doesnt get them, he will run out of regen much of the time and won't be able to farm effectively.
                        Against many melee junglers, try to last hit their big creeps early. If you steal gold and xp from them early, you will be forced to go back or risk death to you when they get low and you have level 2.
                        Against ranged heroes with summons, kill the summons that they micro back.
                        Be wary of the hard camp near offlane, many junglers go there if you are bh.

                        The Offlane:
                        The offlane is another place I like having early impact at. Much of the time at level 1, the enemy supports will put themselves out of position trying to zone out your offlaner. You can potentially turn this situation around and either force the support to use a lot of regen or even get a kill. If a support goes for a pull, hit the support and make the pull fail. If the lane is weak, and the enemy carry has little comeback mechanic, winning the offlane can just win you the game.

                        The Safelane;
                        I don't like starting off in the safelane. I will roam to the safelane if the wave is near our tower and if we have kill potential on the enemy offlaner.

                        Mid To Late Game:
                        In the mid to late game, a large function of yours is a gatherer of information. You can scout out the enemy jungle for farming heroes, and ping them out for your team to gank. If you have kill potential, do not track or hit the enemy before your team gets there, as they are likely to back off. Initiate on the hero when your team is in range. If a hero walks to his team/tower and isn't gankable anymore, only then can you hit/track him.
                        Track heroes you see, but you don't think you have kill potential on. Avoid doing this however if the enemy team has jump capability and can blink dust you and kill.
                        Place deep wards. Because of your invis, you can place wards deep into the enemy jungle, behind enemy towers etc. Coordinate with your team to get kills if you see an opportunity with this great vision you can provide.
                        Ward near objectives you want to take, or near heroes you need to protect. Don't place all wards in the enemy jungle.
                        If you are setting up for a teamfight, or the other team is pushing a tower, track as many people as you can before fighting. If there is a hero with an important channeling ability, make sure he is tracked, and only shuriken after that channeling ability is used.
                        If you expect a smoke gank, try to tank it for your team. It doenst matter too much if you die. Protect your team that are doing roshan/farming your jungle.
                        If the enemy team are buying too many sentries/wards, and have jump potential, consider buying a blink and then a gem with a quelling blade. With blink you can kill a sentry, or track a hero, then blink away and restealth.
                        If your team is pushing hg with aegis, and you have a solor crest/lotus orb etc. Much of the time you want the aegis carrier to hit the tower alone while you buff him and track enemy heroes from behind.

                        Magbalugtong Jr.

                          I can give you some insights :)
                          (check my profile, and ofcourse my Bounty Hunter stats)


                            so who is deserstion


                              Thanks for the tips Nami!

                              A. Snatcher

                                Wow, that guide really makes me want to try BH out now.

                                Thanks for the share nami.

                                ASSESS Product

                                  Just remember, dun buy fcking dagon.


                                    Cheers nami, i'll give it a read now.

                                    Kalderetang Tanga

                                      Kitrak is bullshit to be completely honest with you

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                                          pretty much mekarazium lol


                                            wew ou're so handsome :)
                                            nice avatar there, m8 :]

                                            ASSESS Product

                                              you forgot to say #nohomos

                                              Kalderetang Tanga

                                                My skill bracket is vhs so shut the fck up you mekaraziumtard. ./.

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                                                muted all, it's just a ga...

                                                  Oh my god, he is 50% winrate at vhs but only 22% winrate at normal skill, how is it possible
                                                  Edit:filter on ranked matchmaking

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                                                    Team ranked .

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                                                            id be willing to coach hit me up sometime. WOW Kitrak ur like dotabuff famous kek.


                                                              Well theres one thing i do wrong atleast, so in future go stats instead of jinada.

                                                              The thing i struggle mainly with is when they have sents in most of the lanes and you're poor to dewardand the heroes they have are hard to kill. I find myself wondering around trying to get exp and make things happen but cant and end up being like level 4 at 10min until i get tome. The kinda games as bounty where you feel useless... maybe thats more because i first/second pick it though and sometimes they pick around it or im just fucking trash rofl.

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                                                                  yeah probably just a few bad games, i had one bounty game recently i had to play 5 position since we had a jungler and having to buy a courier and wards was shit, its game ruining.... gotta love junglers.