General Discussion

General Discussionheroes that u never want to play

heroes that u never want to play in General Discussion

    what heroes that u never want to play and what is the reason?

    let me start... for me, i will never play meepo because i think it is hard to control every meepo in fight.. i use to play chen, enchant and can micro very well..but meepo is too much for me.

    whats yours??

    Need to talk,remove your ...


      I'm the worst mid in my bracket


        U dont need to control every single meepo lol. Chen is much more difficult since your controlled units have different spells, so cant tab + spam w like with meepo.

        Shadow Deamon is the guy which i find a support with the lowest impact among other supports.


          I've two thousand matches and I think I've never played Beastmaster...

          Fee Too Pee

            invoker , cause 2many buttons


              ds coz i hate it
              and pugna for the same reason

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                Dark Seer. requires coordination, which my games lack.


                  anti mage the anti fun


                    Razor. I can never quite gauge how strong I am compared to other heroes at any moment in the game. Its like he's super strong at certain points and then you just get shit on and then you wreck face and then they shit on you again. That's my experience with randoming the fucker. Meepo is a learning experience, so valuable, but a free loss for me. Alternatively, I love playing Broodmother maybe more than any other hero, but some people just get really pissy about it when I play her because I don't fight with the team.


                      the different between meepo and chen/enchant is i only concern on chen/enchant HP if i want to survive. but for meepo, every single meepo need to be control so that i can survive.

                      i never use dazzle, and i still dont want to use it even if i forced to. i dont think i can timing my skill well during teamfight.

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Brood, LD, WR, Warden, Meepo, Ench, Medusa. I just realized how shit my micro is.


                          you'd honestly have very little difficulty with meet - give him a go.


                            I know..i should give it a try.. :-)

                            Горилла мятная

                              meepo, earthspirit


                                RIKI ! such a loser hero


                                  Abbadon. Getting all up in everyone's shit, get off my dick. Lich's voice also pisses my off I could never play that hero


                                    rofl so true about abbadon


                                      IO will be the worst voice..but i love to play IO..

                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        Lifestealer, Undying and Bloodseeker because they are fucking disgusting. Also Axe pisses me off with his lines and going full retard.


                                          I play only supports but I don't think I will ever pick earth spirit... I don't really comprehend his skill sets


                                            Abadon, io, naga,tb,visage


                                              Meepo and earthspirit might be the only heroes I would reroll but I also might give them a shot. Who knows


                                                Meepo is easy and fun to play. Spam W &. KILL.

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                                                  dp, broodmama, chen, ench, visage, trent, arc dogshit warden, brew, riki, et, meepo, huskar, sd, bat, undying, ogre.

                                                  cuz they are boring to me, I don't like them, they don't suit my style, I can't micro some of them like meepo, chen, brew, cuz of my hotkeys, but I would like to play meepo and brew, but others are not interesting for me, and I would die from boredom while playing them.

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                                                    If I ever play ogre magi I want you to kill me.

                                                    Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                      Invoker - cuz he is retarded and needs no actual skill other than knowing the 6 spells that win you the game, im sry invoker pickers
                                                      Arc Warden - cuz he is not from dota
                                                      Techies - Cheap script using f*ck
                                                      Witch Doctor - Brainless
                                                      Alchemist - childhood not ruined enough
                                                      Dark seer - the hero is too hard for me so i ll leave the job to the skilled players
                                                      Disruptor - Brainless
                                                      Earth Spirit - remove this hero pls, most of the es players are from HoN anyway they can go back there and find a similar hero instead of ruining dota games, ty
                                                      Magnus - I 'll never be as good as ar1se so why do I even bother
                                                      Omniknight - even my hamster can win a 5k+ game with this hero hope all omni players are proud
                                                      Oracle - I've always hated Avatar, can't believe Cameron is going to spend the next years with its sequels
                                                      OD - can't find him when I type obsidian or destroyer in search nothing happens
                                                      Pudge - cheap
                                                      shadow shaman - ?
                                                      Winter Wyvern - not from dota, cheap, ls, boring, childhood not ruined enough, brainless

                                                      Don't rly care if anyone disagrees, I would remove all these heroes from the game if I was in charge. But yea, I will never play a hero I don't like just because he is in the meta

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                                                        I'd have to say mepoo , invoker , Chen .

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          I've never played invoker, never plan to. I played pudge once, won't ever do it again. Skillshots are not my thing. I might be ok playing meepo, I like lycan and have done naga once, they're like meepo lite. And I enjoyed old school split push TB.

                                                          Oh and techies cus fuck that hero. I won't be cancer.


                                                            I find Darkseer, Drow, Anti-mage and most of the heroes that are playing in mid quite dull and frustrating to play.
                                                            Also KOTL of the Light has been the next hero in my All Hero Challenge for about half a year now. I keep meaning to play him but I just never get into a game and feel "I really want to play KOTL this game" I don't dislike him and I actually think some of his abilities are pretty interesting, I just never ever feel like I want to play him.


                                                              Invoker and Slark screw these pus#ies and screw shadow blade buyers


                                                                Why would u never play certain hero, just give it a try. Invoker is extremely fun, visage can put out a 450 damage nuke every 6 sec in a team fight, With naga u farm the entire map, Chen is super sick with agh's, u can control acient creeps! u can shit fuck enemy melee safelaner as ds just with ion shell and get a shit ton cs.


                                                                  Razor , viper .. Boring as shit


                                                                    Hard and diffcult as hell and can easlly be counterd by a right clicking anti mage or ursa

                                                                    Blade mail is destroy him tho

                                                                    me, government hooker

                                                                      lich abadon omni

                                                                      if i want to sleep ill fucking go to bed not play dota


                                                                        I'd really like to give every hero a chanve, but know better than to actually try to do it.