General Discussion

General Discussionhow 2 phantom lancer?

how 2 phantom lancer? in General Discussion

    snail paced hero, shit stat gain, shitty movement spell, dogshiet farm speed. Is there an op unknown pl build tho?


      Back in my days, Bassillus+ArcaneRing+TreadsIntl was a hit. You can zone out the enemies by just spamming Lance :D
      For now, you can combo lane with kotl for most scenarios. Double Spirit Lances? :D Insane mana supply? why not? bruh :D


        I also wondering if the illusion deal damage bash if i bought skull basher.


          No, illusion only get crit, radiance and mana burn, you used to be able to bash with illusion in dota 1 u just build manta on void and stun lock ppl.


            ^ bash is pretty garbage :D
            This patch allowed dmg block to work on illusions. I suggest a poor man's shield as a must.


              how is pms a must on PL right now just because damage block works on illusions? illusions spawned from your abilities could already survive until they expire without damage block long enough for you to spawn more from juxtapose for tanking neutrals and against heroes, 20 damage block hardly makes a difference when heroes hit for like 500 against your illusions anyway.

              if you're mid or you're getting right clicked a lot in lane, get PMS asap. that has not changed.

              the movement speed of all boots except travels have been nerfed by 5 so travels are slightly better relative to other boots, although even before that small change, travels on PL was becoming (or already was) the norm, so now you've got even more reason to go travels.

              if u go treads u can't go early travels and that gimps your farm a lot not even from the teleports but just because you're moving like 15-20% slower on an already slow hero for the majority of the game by having treads instead of travels.

              the current standard build is aquila + wand for early stats, and then travels so that you can pressure lanes and farm, although you can also go drum or yasha on top of travels before going for diffusal blade. early drum is similar stats to treads for fighting but you get more speed.

              I'm on the right team

                nothing changes imo, just those diffusal travel manta butterfly heart thing, it's just that you could get radi since radiance change.

                Swap Commends

                  Any one knows if Vang works for his illus ?

                  SHINIGAMI HLA WAI

                    Probably yes. But not worthy as the one mentioned above. I was wrong :D

                    SHINIGAMI HLA WAI

                      You should be optimizing stat items in general :D

                      Mao Xina

                        shit stat gain? lol check it first