General Discussion

General DiscussionHow does dota buff know unranked skill bracket

How does dota buff know unranked skill bracket in General Discussion

    I create new account and it says normal even when I got good kda hero damage and tower damage is this real ( not this account) I have 7 match on there will the skill bracket change or no

    It now has 4 loses in row the last two had two leavers.... Rigged match making?? The one before the two, my team just stayed in baseeeeeeeee

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    ASSESS Product

      You didnt know that dotabuff are part of NSA??

      ASSESS Product

        But still that 5/12 alche.....


          'Twas the night before


            Haha good kda and hero dmg.... look at my kda at first three maches i got 70/1 playng pa (0 deaths) after three games i got whs.


              How many hours do I need to be good and I like I said that's not the smurf i made this smurf 3 month ago when I sucked so I made new one ..... I can't go 70 kills cause enemy team pick techies

              Este comentario fue editado

                This is the smurff I made newly... I have like 1.3k hour on dota do I need 6,000 hours more to be good like really am I really that bad hmm

                Also I choosed new to dota was that wrong option? Should I choose played dota bef Re and start new account.. I'm not going to calibrate 2.4k again no point

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                  im just playing dota 2 yesterday and i got VHS so easy . i think you need to watch replay your game and you will find your own mistake.


                    @5k did u select new to dota for the question or played dota before


                      well , im select i have playing dota 1 ,im just select what i have been palying b4 .


                        Ok I'm going to practice nature Prophet on different account toget better mmr ,,


                          And ppl like this one, need to be banned forever in dota2 game ><


                            No point wasting your time. When u are finally good in Dota 2, Dota 3 will be out.

                            ASSESS Product

                              ^Unless volvo know how to count to 3.

                              ASSESS Product

                                And yeah i get your point.


                                  this data is extracted from steam api, and steam api know, because, well, its game log basically, and it knows everything


                                    OMG I GOT IN HIGH SKILL WEW


                                      fuck off just do ur best in every match and dont feed u can climb at 4k bracket++ like me

                                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                        Don't smurf, play on your main account.

                                        I was stuck at 2.7 and then with the help of the good people in the forums I realized stress and emotion are a huge deal.

                                        I am now 2.9 currently, if you look at my recent games I lost one ranked game, and stopped. It was a terrible loss, and the team had no idea what they were doing and I was the only support as Undying mind you. I accepted the loss, and was a little bitter, then I played a unranked game, lost in that game. The omniknight left me at like 8 minute mark, and in fights never bothered to repel me and farmed some of the jungle camps....... I was over that game. Partially my fault for getting sabre first instead of bf which would have changed my farm drastically, but still I was done for the day and played Killing Floor for like 5 hours before going to bed lol

                                        Now when I get on Dotes, I feel at ease, no stress, no rage, I can focus on getting that sweet mmr, and if I lose I'm done for the day otherwise I may keep losing, and I will be at 2.8 if I lose one ranked solo game (I'm at 2904 or something) lol

                                        The point is: there is a pattern, find out what works best for you. Don't smurf, work hard and learn as you grow.

                                        werk it

                                          i have to smurf as i dont think 2.2k is good enough for me becuz it make me ............................... eh

                                          werk it

                                            also smurfing is quicker :) geat i went 1-10 , 2-7 i bet im back to normal skill iim ffffffffffffffff donne

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                                            ASSESS Product

                                              That mean you're deserved to be in that bracket lmao.

                                              werk it

                                                noo i got 8 loses in row but i did good in all of them until the last two i did bad,,

                                                werk it

                                                  the other team gets 2 supports wards everywhere then i get a an earth shaker that says earth shaker isnt a support no wards thorugh whole game.. :( pls help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

                                                  Este comentario fue editado
                                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                    :angel: #illuminati :angel:

                                                    werk it

                                                      zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz im gonna try captains mode to get 2 support balanced team then i will shine i promise <3

                                                      Este comentario fue editado
                                                      werk it

                                                        look this lose streak and look my scores except for the dp and jug........... loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo iiiiiiiiii cant even so captain mode i need to do now if the que wasnt 20 minutes then it would be easier :((( rofl 4 minutes later still no sign of match pls give mem ercy dotaaa mercyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

                                                        6 minutes later still no captain mode match up

                                                        now 7 minutes really .... really why so long to find one damn match ooooooh my god dota cordinator being updated....................................................................................................... im done

                                                        Este comentario fue editado

                                                          Ez smurf , youre bound to drop to the normal skill.

                                                          werk it

                                                            still seraching for that captains mode match heh heh hehh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheh nvm about captain

                                                            Este comentario fue editado

                                                              I dont play cm cause im flexible in picking

                                                              werk it

                                                                ok i am still in high sskill but finally got first win after enemy team all abandoned :(

                                                                Professor Dog

                                                                  How does anyone take smurfs seriously? Can't anyone get hs after 5 games


                                                                    Valve is smarter than you think. You will be placed over again and again in your real bracket no matter what.

                                                                    Player 175043649

                                                                      why are you people replying to a smurf thread
                                                                      stop taking smurfs seriously


                                                                        Can anyone suggest how to go to High Skill and Very High Skill? My KDA is good and GPM and XPM also. My Avg GPM was 592 and my Avg XPM was 624 Avg LH was 200. Cant even get a High Skill :(