General Discussion

General Discussionnew meta guys... 1-0-0-4

new meta guys... 1-0-0-4 in General Discussion
    my wife is fat

      u have a nyx with dagon and boots..

      a sniper with blink sb and dragon lance

      a np with midas and force staff

      how can you not win?


        i mean its normal queue not ranked so u can expect apes.

        but how the fuck does 4 man roam work lmfao.

        we literally just 4 manned the entire game. never farmed.

        i might have farmed maybe 15 seconds by habit


          its not so much roam as it is called deathball

          my wife is fat

            lol u'd expect 4k to at least know how to buy items...sure its not ranked but you don't go braindead all of a sudden.....

            well it actually helps that all of your heroes can roam and gank...and well, nothing wrong with riki carry against dimwits..


              well i don't think its considered deathball when u start at 0 mins idk. i mean i guess so but what people usually call deathball is more of a timing push


                i've lost and won games in under 10 minutes with a 5 man deathball

                  Este comentario fue editado
                  Pale Mannie

                    Meanwhile in my games:

                    Enemies farm for 12 minutes and then camping my lane for the rest of the game

                    Pale Mannie

                      I fucking hate perma 5 manning enemies


                        with the excpetion of cheese strats versus no counters

                        it is entirely possible to play around 5 manners

                        its just people get flustered, do something stupid and give the deathballers an edge and the game becomes insanely onesided


                          if ppl are 5 manning just split push and farm the whole map being ultra greedy.

                          if they gank ur carry thats OKAY. because everyone else should be ultra farming too.

                          if they are 5 manning they can only gank 1 person at a time probably. if they don't try to gank and instead push just trade towers and only defend your rax. you can try to delay towers with some heroes but only if u arent gonna die for it