General Discussion

General DiscussionGetting to know people during game

Getting to know people during game in General Discussion
>tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

    Do you have those games were you voice chat with someone the entire game, and they are just so chill, and then randomly start talking about themselves personally (e.g. where they live, what they do for a living etc.)
    Such kind players, I love those players lol They make the game brainless and easy somehow :smile:


      in sea? no no no

      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

        Well, it happens a lot in US servers a lot, and sometimes in Australia server.

        I have noticed it never happens in SEA, probably the lack of communication there :sad:


          u nvr play on sea then. they mostly use normal chat ofc


            Come to eu-west eu-east you can see matches like this more often :))))

            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

              I have a few times, there is "communication" (they use normal chat) but there really is no communication and just blame game all game.

              I have a few friends from SEA, I feel bad for them.

              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                Ya!!! Eu-West is the best! I can't safely connect there yet since my apartment is causing my internet to semi-suck, but I'm moving to a house in June, and upgrading my web to 300/Mbps so I know I can safely play on eu-west lol :smile: :happy:


                  no, the only reason i use voice chat is to flame, same as everyone else here

                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                    :laugh: I do enjoy seeing/hearing others bicker. In unranked, I just insta-mute in ranked


                      Mocha is upgrading to 300 Mbps and I'm excited when I get the full 2 Mbps my service provider is meant to provide :'(


                        Well i noticed Most dota players dont like dubstep cuz every time i make ppls Listen to it, they tend to mute me

                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                          [A~E] TheMaverick427
                          Oh, man your country must have very high prices for internet? :sad:

                          I don't like dubstep either. It's like the worst genre in edm, right next to techno. I recommend Trance, and Hardstyle if you want to spam edm lol


                            @ Mocha
                            In South Africa its more like there is nobody providing fast uncapped internet for civilians. Either you can pay for moderately fast internet (4-10 Mbps) but have a mothly cap of like 10-20 gigs. Or you can have uncapped internet but at lower speeds (maxing out at about 8 for the really rich). Only major Organisations like Universities or big companies can get anything over 100Mbps and uncapped and even then they pay a ton. We are moving forward though. They recently started installing fibre optic cables in some areas. My area should be getting sometime this year. I'll finally be able to stream Youtube in HD without having to wait for it to buffer. :D

                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                              Aww, sweet, man! I'm excited for you! That sounds super revolutionary C:

                              Since you get limited gigs, how many games can you play at a week? (I am assuming other people you live with eat up your wifi)


                                I have a an uncapped line with 2Mbps speed. Its fast enough for Dota and I can stream Youtube in 480p. I think Dota works as long as you have more then about 800kbps.


                                  The closest experience I had to this was this one time where my mic was still working and occasionally spamming sweet child of mine and the like, and my whole team were like "this is my jam bro" and one of them was actually singing along. A rare occurence in SEA but an enjoyable one as well.

                                  lm ao

                                    God I swear its a pain trying to understand jo through his shitty mic and terrible pidgin accent axaxaxa