General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play carry really well in pubs? (WARNING: CLUSTER F-BOMB AHEAD)

How to play carry really well in pubs? (WARNING: CLUSTER F-BOMB AHEAD) in General Discussion

    Fucking swine, they can fucking play fucking carry and fucking win because of them being fucking fed and kill anyone they see. While me on the fucking other side as a fucking carry can't do a fucking shit against their fucking carry! (Luna < PA)

    Sorry I was triggered because I lose to a team that have their TA fed in a very short time and I can't do a crap against her.

    I wonder how the professional player play carry successfully? It's not "always carry" mentality but everytimes I lose to a team with a single carry that get fed and we can't do anything to make a comeback against them, I feel so mad that I wanted to be the same like them too.


      U shold get/steal kills early on


        Just start to learn better farming patterns.


          learn how to deal with difficult lanes, even when you're soloing

          crying about 0 support and being useless for whole game just because you didn't farm as much as you wanted during first ten minutes is unacceptable

          Not Trying!

            Buddy.. watch their streams.. really helps alot..


              more like midas into dagon nyx < anything

              Best Treant EU

                well nyx did his job. but am was a little pissed when i was 3 hitting him out of sb before he could blink :)