General Discussion

General DiscussionPenalties????

Penalties???? in General Discussion

    I don't think Valve can create a penalty high enough for someone that feeds first blood then immediately abandons in a ranked match. Whatever it is, it's not punishing enough.

    What is the penalty now?
    What do you think the penalty should be?

    My vote is sterilization.

    Guy Riki

      Nothing wrong with what he did


        We call that a good guy in eu ,the braindead kids that don't abandon the game and feeds till 50min mark are worse


          sometimes you forget this is just a game, dont you


            yeah but mmr!


              I think they should be put into a different pool with others who also have similar poor behaviour until they complete a set number of games. We could even have them play a game mode that limits their choice of hero like single draft.

              But hey, I'm just spitballing here.

              Este comentario fue editado
              Swap Commends

                Automated report system is Automated.Don't bother Bcuz valve won't listen.


                  are yo utalking about this game:

                  awesome draft :) surprised he was the only one to abandon...

                  ps feeding before abandoning is super-retarded....


                    He sacrificed his life and time for u guys to avoid playin against ebolas..He should rather be awared with noble prize of dota(my vote i.e) :p


                      Give the abandoned player a cookie for a job well done