General Discussion

General DiscussionDrow gameplay tips

Drow gameplay tips in General Discussion
    as example of my drow match

    I started to play with Drow Ranger since in my skill bracket there's hardly someone who actually pushes towers instead of going back to base to regain mana and health even after a won teamfight or roaming around without point.

    I usually go safe lane (or mid, when there's no better hero for this), my first items are aquilla, threads and then dragon lance. This is the time, where all t1 towers usually go down. I get helm of Dominator for bit of tankiness and lifesteal, I try to stack ancients for myself but I forget to do it often. Then I go for manta if there is lots of silences, Shadow blade if enemies are roaming around alone (for iniciation) or crits if I don't need any of those. Then I start to push t2s, then I try to force a teamfight, if win -> t3 and rax (or buybacks). When there's nothing happening I just go farm ancients or jungle.

    MY questions are:
    1) What items can serve as escape (not counting SB and TP scroll)?
    2) How can I increase my GPM, it seems to me pretty low (with exception that I need to get better in self stacking ancients)
    3) Is dragon lance good or should I skip it in favour of another item?
    4) My hero damage is pretty low, but I don't feel like I'm kill stealing anything. Should I have more hero dmg?
    5) Where should I stand in teamfights? I usually try to move while orb walking with frost arrows, stay out of front lines and disengage+juke when someone tries to focus me.

    Thanks in advance.


    begginer Plejk.


      copy the above item build for great success


        1) If they have heroes who can get close to you easily (Riki, Spirit Breaker, etc) Force staff might be a good option. And you can upgrade it into Hurricane Pike if you need slots later. Blink is also a possible escape if you react fast enough to blink before they damage you. BKB is a good defensive item if they have magic damage heroes that are jumping on you and killing you (storm for example). Linken's Sphere is okay if you really need to Block a spell (Batrider Lasso for example)
        2) Hit creeps. Don't miss last hits in lane. Kill towers if enemy is in a poor position to defend them. Stack ancients. Learn effective farming patterns and stack camps as you farm.
        3) Since they changed dragon lance, I think its pretty good on Drow. Its a decent early item that gives good stats for its price. It also can be build into a hurricane pike and it gives makes your attack range longer then a tower's attack range so you can chip away at T1's without them shooting you.
        4) Drow is good at hitting towers. If you knock down all the enemy buildings you win. Don't go into a game with the aim to get lots of hero damage. Hitting heroes is something you do so that you can hit towers and win the game. If picking off an enemy hero will open up a tower, then do that. If your team kills half the enemy team, then take a tower, don't waste time chasing the enemies who survived unless you will definitely catch them. Drow is one of the best pushers in the game so make use of that.
        5) Stand as far away from enemies as possible. Your approach sound fine. Just remember to turn off frost arrows when you're taking damage so that you can lifesteal instead.

        Also remember to use manually activate your precision aura when you push so that creeps get the bonus too. If you have an enigma, invoker or visage on you team using their ranged summons to push a tower, then activate your aura to help them out even if you're not there.


          Press Q =profit

          Dire Wolf

            Silver edge your last game to counter pa for sure. It's a good item all around on drow too.

            Don't neglect bkb when needed.

            Remember the ice arrow is a UAM so turn it off to lifesteal with dominator. I think crit is a tad overrated cus it does nothing against towers and daedulus doesn't help her aura any, but if you are scoring kills hey why not?


              Thanks for your imput.

              My reflexes are not good enough to use blink as escape (I work on this against bots so I might get to learn it). Sounds like I will have to learn how to farm effectively (downloaded some footage of good carry players to learn how to effective farm). Your commentary about 4) sounds like I got the general idea. Thanks for the point about lifesteal, I cast frost arrows manualy but sometimes forget to life steal back.

              Yeah, that crit is there just so i can burst some1 in gust silence duration. Thanks about Siler Edge, I will try to use it against PA. Generaly I don't have problems vs PA (if I'm not the main target which I should not be).

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                So after vicious losing streak and some pretty bad performances from me, I picked Drow twice in a row and with good results.

                Anyway, few more questions:
                1) I generaly don't like Shadow Blade/SE. Are there any situations where it can prove beneficial to rush Silver Edge, other than dealing with PA?
                2) What should determine whether I'm going Butterfly or Manta as my first "big" item and what is expected timing?
                3) Is it ever possible to build necrobook on Drow? -I know it sounds silly and I would like to try it, but I'm sure I would get reported

                Thanks in advance for your replies,



                  1)I wouldn't advice a Silver Edge very often on a hero like Drow. She needs to be focusing on other items early game, but it could work as maybe a surprise buy in some very rare occasions. Although I do get a bit greedy and often go for the Shadow Blade myself. I haven't tried playing her recently with the new items added though so I'm also interested to see how her build varies now.

                  2)It depends on what you need in that game, a Manta Style is good vs purgeable effects obviously, yet if possible to go greedy, Butterfly's stats with Drow are amazing. The timing varies based off of what pregame items you need, which are game by game dependant.

                  3)I wouldn't advice a Necrobook on Drow, it provides Intelligence and Strength while Drow is looking for Agility items to help her attack even faster.

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                    get hurricane pike as escape


                      Would anyone recommend eblade on drow? More agi vs butterfly and cheaper plus you don't want to manfight usually so the ethereal form active would have lots of utility for drow


                        When I play drow, I normally use this build
                        Plus dragon lance as a possible core

                        Livin' Real Good

                          No, butterfly by far is the better option for her.

                          You still get tons of crazy agility (for attack speed and damage, and EVEN more damage cause of your precision aura percentage going up) you get evasion that in turn makes her tankier (she NEEDS this) and the flutter effect is nice, it got buffed this patch too, so cool down is 25, instead of 35 for those ez escapes.


                            Aghs + mjlonir = lulllulullulululululululul


                              Dragon lance is good to her, insane range plus nice stat addition.
                              Silver-edge is pretty situational and you should focus on increasing her attk-spd-dmg early on.
                              Manta is always a core item to her for easy pushing.
                              Butterfly is decent also and BKB for defensive purpose.


                                Yea, this is nice build, but I has several disadvantages (lower aura, lower pushing power, later online time) and doesn't contribute to my playstyle with her. Dragon Lance is in my opinion core, cuz it lets you outrange towers and has good stats for Drow. Anyway, thanks for suggestion
                                Yea, with BoTs and yasha/manta you have pretty much max movespeed when you use flutter...

                                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                  Strange, I always buy Vladimirs Offering instead of Helm of Dominator on my Drow Build. It also works with your cold arrow and give your team a bonus armor and lifesteal around you.

                                  However, don't buy Vladimirs Offering if you have teammates which are natural Vladimirs Offering builder (e.g. AM and Ursa).

                                  Domi has it's own advantage as well. A much better lifesteal (15% vs 10%) and a ability to control a creeps. Use that creeps to stack ancients and you can farm very fast. Also it has a Satanic Upgrade.

                                  Core items for me are:
                                  *Dragon Lance/Hurricane Pike: Excellent stats boost and can be use as a escape tool.
                                  *Vladimirs Offering
                                  *Boots of Travel

                                  Situational are:
                                  *Manta Style. vs dust of appearance or slardar amplify damage.
                                  *Silver Edge. Great stats and works well vs PA and BB.
                                  *BKB. Vs stunner or AOE disables like puck, tide, or disruptor
                                  *Assault. Buildings go down very fast

                                  Skill build:
                                  At lvl7: 4/1/1/1. Cold arrows works perfectly during gank
                                  At lvl11: 4/4/1/2. Silence helps your team during clash at mid game.

                                  *Push tower.
                                  *Help your team with cold arrow and silence.
                                  *Don't rely on forest for gold.
                                  *Aim for glass heroes or supports.


                                  Vlad > Domi :-D


                                    I usually go 3/1/1/1 at 6, then maxing aura if there's opportunity for early pushes (or there are 2+ heroes that benefit a lot from it) or maxing gust if there's lots of early clashes. Nice thoughts about vlads.
                                    Any1 tried Diffusal blade? I think it can be decent item when game turns into bloodbath since it gives you lots of agi, it's easy to manaburn with drow's attck speed and another righclick steroid won't hurt against heroes. And active can save life sometimes.


                                      think vlads pales in comparison to hotd once u get the wolf aura creep


                                        Yea, in general, HotD is way better and you can use it to stack ancients for yourself if you are sure that it won't be contested.

                                        Anyway, thanks to all for Your advices, cuz because of it I finally climbed near to high skill bracket (or somewhere on the border between ns and hs) which is satysfying for me still being new to the game.
                                        Gotta say people usually don't find answer to early push with dragon lance but one thing is bit sad... can't solo carry games with drow anymore and have to rely on proper carry.
                                        I still need to work on my GPM/XPM though it's that low cuz I don't want to steal farm from carry farming our woods... I need to find farming patterns that suits my playstyle.
                               as example of my playstyle.

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