General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen two noobs abandoned game in first 2 min after giving away first ...

When two noobs abandoned game in first 2 min after giving away first blood, you dont quit in General Discussion

    instead, you stayed with three other mates and raped.


      Gj with that gold advantage


        one of the reason we won is that prophet kept feeding his treants. he didnt give up ratting everytime he could, lol.

        i just got myself maelstorm.

        in every fight, we would have sb charging either lina or wr, preferably wr, as i can blink smoke and ulti, and our slark would go for lina.

        im surprised they didnt give up till the last few mins.

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          this is the yasp stat

          bounty is 5.3k and wr 4464.

          drow ranger is 4k shitstain who had red days in ranked, decided to play unranked and saw us picking 4 cores, so he decided to last pick drow and contested with slark for safe lane. fed a kill top in 1 min and then tped to my offlane, and then proceeded to abandon.

          invoker who fed first blood also left right after drow left.

          3 of us stayed.

          we are the true warriors.

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            Me surprised too


              ur nickname and the fact u use 'noobs' non-ironically triggered the fuck out of me


                @sano i have higher mmr than u, thats all


                  Hahah casual riki picker talks about his victory like It was 5k ranked


                    hmm, im indeed 5k player, maybe you are the retarded

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                        i saw a noob too some time ago on dota imba, hes a 5k player on the profile. he pick riki, i pick snip, going invis, i killed him once, AND HE LEAVES LULROFLMAO.


                          Wow cool


                            2386682471 is a game where I lost 5vs3, yes, my team was that much retarded. So I understand how easy it is to have a team that just loves to throw at any score... After 2 of the enemyes left, my teammates never ever gathered as 5, and never took rosh, never warded and never used spells to save teammates.
                            I found myself ganked in my base, swaped into 3 eney heroes + illusions, etc. This is how dota works. TY VALVE !


                              4stack abandons after first blood, no problem :D