General Discussion

General DiscussionMost gold record and lost

Most gold record and lost in General Discussion

    I made wrong late items, i don't know. Someone with dotabuff plus can point them out and their timing maybe. The thing is that i lost because enemy team had very good high ground def and my team didn't want to push continuously when i was already ahead. I would like to know what's the ideal items for sven that could have ended this game. I got too much attack speed and sacrificed other things and i don't know if that was the right thing to do. I also felt bad because this jakiro really tried to support me well.

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      Dont get sad man, your OD left the game, axe's build was shit, and enemy team had better lategame
      I dont know how you werent 6 slotted with 51k gold, i play a lot of naga and i know that with 35-40 k gold earned youre 7 slotted with more expensive items than yours


        I dont play Sven much but i would go for Crit/Satanic instead of Silver Edge

        If you can manage to kill Necro while bkb, Heart could also be an option


          The ideal sven lategame items would be bkb blink satanic bot2 swallowed moon shard Daedalus and assault.

          Dire Wolf

            Why do you have silver edge and blink? Also battlefury that game probably would've been good, clear out pls faster and break trees with it.

            stupid fuck 2000

              Silver edge made no sense, daedalus would've been better and satanic would've been better instead of moonshard (given your farm i'm assuming you've already eaten one). Nobody in your team bought a force staff or even a quelling blade for sprout. Mirana went for shit items aside from aghs and axe also went for a full retard build.