General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed critique on my play wanna improve

Need critique on my play wanna improve in General Discussion
Gregor Samsa

    Don't pull punches expose my utter shit habits kappa

    (some recent games like slark medusa sniper alchemist had me on utter shit internet pls be gentle)

    Thanks in advance!


      die less

      Gregor Samsa

        I've noticed that too with my games, I feel that it's because I try too hard to make plays happen and leads to me ignoring or forfeiting better positioning in situations where it would've just been better to back off.

        in other words, thx dud

        Este comentario fue editado

          are u aiming to get into vhs bracket or something?

          Gregor Samsa

            Not really, it's more to do with me feeling that my overall skill level has dropped due to sporadic play.
            That, and getting better at things I do often is just plain fun


              oh ok then ill have to say the same as the guy above, die less thats it lel

              Gregor Samsa

                allright, thx man


                  Nice versatility on hero picks bruh... The most important thing that normal skill players need to improve is map awareness... seems like a small thing but it helps a lot... every game people rage in normal skill... "NO missing report? Noob mid, noob etc,etc," when actually if there was map awareness, it's easier to notice a hero missing from the other lanes. watching the minimap and scrolling around for potential kills, or potential saves or counter ganking helps a lot in the early stages of the game. Then you can either snowball hard or secure a good farm. As I read from your earlier comment. You tend to overextend by trying to make plays. Play more safe and smart. GL ;p

                  Gregor Samsa

                    Thanks man, perks of going random in most games haha. Good points about map awareness, as sometimes I get tunnel vision when laning as safelane i'll try to keep that in mind :D


                      Wc... Time for me to Go Random mode too xD

                      Gregor Samsa

                        Shamelessly bumping this thread cuz reasons


                          I would advise you to stick to several heroes (2-3 for each role) because it's so much easier to evaluate your performance/progress. Also it's easier for you to keep improving if hero skills are already in your muscle memory so you don't have to focus on it and you use those kinda instinctively.

                          Best Treant EU

                            play ez heroes like sven, jugger, cm, lion, tide, lich to get used to dota mechanics and learn the world of every role in dota. don't just play mid or carry.


                              die less, play slowly if u dying or no mana its better to go fountain and then back to lane instead moving around the tower (my personal experience that's alot better war-> fountain -> lane -> fountain -> war ) .
                              as above said map awareness, learn to stand and hold back don't rush things. if u were 100% sure losing the war go farm till you get any chance to counter them back.
                              as what dota tips said "play support to be better carry, play carry to be a better support". if you play support then you'll know what your carry needed or expected , learn to ask and keep being a positive mental attitude even though your teammates is a silent or a flamer turds

                              Gregor Samsa

                                @Mulatschak I do play supports, but I tend to gravitate towards mid and carry whenever I play with friends as they ask me to play those roles :)

                                @Walfgar Thanks! I'll keep everything in mind


                                  Watch high mmr streamers that DONT troll
                                  And trying to understand wtf they're doing and why they're doing it will skyrocket your skill

                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                    just a tip for map awareness:
                                    turn on minimap to show hero icons instead of just the pointy arrows, (im colorblind so this helped so much). also just make them bigger to where you can tell where they are (river/lane), and make them to where they are big enough to where if they are missing it is obvious then just overtime shrink it back down to normal.