General Discussion

General Discussionbeat me in a 1v1 and get a set

beat me in a 1v1 and get a set in General Discussion

    let's just skip the obvious result of the 1v1 and pass me the sky set ?

    (i add u for 1v1s when im up for it)

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        Once i played against such SK and enemies lost in 20 minutes. Maybe it works 1v1 but not in 5v5 scenario, since u are ez to kite.

        Phoenix or Zeus are n1 counters to this shit.


          ini sure we can go rematch, i actually like the video you found. but it's just one of my many tactics as 1v1 sk, like you see i can work around long range heroes. also oracle is ok but not good enough, that lack of weaveclear is really bad. maybe if you manage to kill me before i start outleveling you them it might work

          Nova´ ovbious result is i didn't get beaten, so that means you wont get set :p

          Lex yea sk is good at 1v1 lanes but he doesnt snowball enough to win a 5v5 by himself, on the other hand my standard jungle or offlane sk does win games. phenix and zeus are good in a 5v5 against sk, not on a 1v1

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            you didnt add me


              well that seems fun would not mind the meepo one add me


                I wish i could try but since reborn took place i just drop out of any custom lobby.



                  add me even if you don't have anymore sets i'll take the challenge.

                  Black Rose Glade

                    I'm interested


                      After all this Posts im interested, add me!



                        Guys try Huskarr and max his passive 1st.


                          I like your way of thinkin


                            [eXo] Eazynogoud you'd be surprised that no one beat me

                            Lex you'd be surprised that that doesnt work, but i added you aswel so lets see if you can execute it

                            Buff Huskar pls and Lex huskar fanboys 4Head

                            i added a lot of people who still didn't accept request and some who did but didn't message me later to play, dont expect me to keep track of everything perfeclty

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                            Your Wife's Boyfriend

                              1v1 with different heroes...? casuals...
                              and the winner takes/keeps a ~0.35 eu set


                                asdf if no one manages to beat me this week i'll make the rewards better next week


                                  Unfortunately im neither a mid player nor Huskarr player, but maybe u transmit it on twich ?


                                    Lex sure ill boardcast the next games on twitch


                                      If I queue at SEA, most likely my ping would be arounrd 1kish-3kish.


                                        I'm certain to lose but I'd like to try anyways

                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          Pick KotL guys 4Head


                                            OP is so full of himself


                                              l u l


                                                4.8k is high for the vast majority of dota playerbase, so why not


                                                  hasnt anyone picked normal mid heroes? sk should actually lose to plenty default mid heroes.


                                                    so u can go defensive if ur down 1 0 free cookies since rm if >12 min?

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      Well, SK is pretty much the fastest lane pusher so you are never touching his tower. He probably won't take yours too and you won't die either unless you fuck up, but that means you won't "win".


                                                        Can we have a best of 3?
                                                        I don't even want the sets I just want to play mid against a high MMR player :P
                                                        I can play US west without too much lag around 120 ping, add me.
                                                        PS: if anybody want to beat me up at mid you can add me too.

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                                                          I get your request and added you, i'll pm you when ur online.


                                                            i wanna too go 252960263


                                                              JoEn 纸 - that's why i said it's eu server not sea '-'. i'd have high ping in sea too
                                                              • - some people tried with standard heroes (sf, voker, qop, dp etc.) the thing is i've gotten so much used to playing against normal heroes that it isn't as effective
                                                              TripleSteal- i was higher BibleThump
                                                              Cal - yep that's why i put it as a rule, i dont want long matches i once had a match against a dark seer for 35 minutes and a dp for 25. never again.
                                                              Sam Fuckin' Peckinpah do what i do, kill them. since i posted this thread i haven't had a matchup longer than 10 min cus i just killed them.

                                                              a lot of you guys are skipping sk's weakenesses and only talking about strenghts, i mean i can tell you everything im good at but how do you abuse my weaknesses? the first time i lost a while back was against a 3k player because he had a solid plan, and i still cant beat his strat!

                                                              i mean i wouldn't mind if literlly 1 person would make a plan and the next 10 would just copy/paste the build XD

                                                              Henry sure i guess

                                                              GUYS DONT FORGET TO MESSAGE ME WHEN I ADD U, I CANT REMEMBER WHO I PLAYED WITH AND WHO I DIDNT D:

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                                                                What if the challengers pick ember? flame guard absorbs 500 magic damage, which is all of sk's damage and he can wave clear with flame guard as well. Only down side to ember is that sk can escape with burrow strike while chained


                                                                  Kotl could work as well, just sit back and nuke down every wave, but Kotl is not the best solution, sk with caustic maxed has stronger wave clear than Kotl


                                                                    just pick lina or ta or invoker or whatever. warlock even. there are 110 heroes you can beat sk with half of them.


                                                                      Stormrage ember is one of the worst 1v1 as sk, and i mean WORST. kotl can jsut nuke weaves, if he's completly passive for 12 min game then resets.

                                                                      • lina or ta or voker or standard midders wont work i played vs them too many times to lose to them, lock could work he's pretty good.


                                                                        I can have you 106669072


                                                                          Go(6 characters)


                                                                            doom lost:(


                                                                              lock would beat most of heroes mid. its just one of those stupid durable tons of dmg heroes. im pretty sure lina would beat sk too. her nukes are better than sk.


                                                                                lets go dude

                                                                                i can try it with a melee hero as well


                                                                                  Does sand King really push as hard as kotl spamming nukes? In 1v1 I ussually troll with kotl spamming nukes and rushing pushing aura items. But it sounds like you expect to last beyond 12 min without much trouble.


                                                                                    add :) 219495095



                                                                                      ive got an idea

                                                                                      add me, might have some lag on eu as im from South Africa



                                                                                        hi, i really don't want the set. I just want someone to play against : D
                                                                                        I will play in around 2-3 hours, will u still be avaible?


                                                                                          HOLY SHIT ALMOST 500 GAMES WITH SK!!! u most be pretty goddamn good with that hero... pretty excited to go against u ;3 PD: are u gaben? :3


                                                                                   i wanna close this thread so add me LUL


                                                                                              shoutout to "•" for beating me, actually 3 times. he didn't want a set doe.

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                                                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                So what sets are still left? :D

                                                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                  Add me: 165878782 i want me a set