General Discussion

General Discussionwhat kind of farm is acceptable for a support?

what kind of farm is acceptable for a support? in General Discussion

    im so fucking busy i dont have time/dont remember to farm. see my last game , and tell me if 19c in 35 mins is shit. seems shit. how does support player find levels too? any tips? i feel likei gotta be all over the map incase some shit happens. i never have time to farm a lane.


      this also a reason why 1 support in a team is bad, if your team dont get successful in ganks and early to mid game clashes the lone support will not get the items they need, that is why pro games or high skll cap games usually has 2 supports so they can split roles and gives a bit more space for the supports to get gold.


        U dont get lvl/farm so ur carry can get more lvl/farm
        And when u die u dont give too much money to enemy
        Relax, you are doing fine


          also a tip from a position 6 player, if youre a ranged support you can actually pull small camp to creep wave then with the right timing you can pull the big camp next to safe lane to the small camp and your allied creeps will move towards the big camp, be sure to last hit all those neutrals, also do not deny your creeps as enemy offlaners will get half its exp if they are near it so better let the neutrals last hit your creeps, its also advisable to this only in a tri lane to be safe. you can search this in youtube on how to do it


            @zay yeah, by 40 mins i actually have only boots, magic wand and wards, and 1 utility item (mek, force staff euls, aether lens) depending on the situation


              •♠ℜƴυкεтsu♠• is totally right.
              When I'm solo supporting game I'm like sweating from what all needs to be done and I always have minimum items. Recently I've had match where we went duo supports and it was drasticaly different. I didn't have to walk around the whole map planting wards bcuz we were 2 for this job and we had no problem having sentry on needed places, carrying dust/smoke and having bit of farm and levels with it.


                your job as support isn't to be as poor as possible


                  TBH if you are solo support you can end a 60 game with Arcane boots, Wand, and forcestaff or Mek.

                  You are way more useful spamming all your gold on Orbs, sentries , dust, smokes, extra regen at the start.

                  those wards will prevent your team getting ganked and the smoke will create kills


                    If a 6k support player were in my game. How would he find farm though? I know u will be poor. But I also know it don't have to be that way


                      u should know the basic scrub


                        One time I had this game as disruptor when under 22 mins, I only have wards, smoke, and magic stick.
                        I got my boots at 25th mark and I had fed like 0-5 early.
                        In the end I had score like 6-8-27.

                        What I'm trying to say is you don't need to lh decently when you are support. I feel that solo support is quite hard.
                        Buy book occasionally. I mean the EXP book. It will help you to catch up some exp.
                        Roam around the map and seek for kills. You will get golds there!


                          stop being afk during laning phase and force shit in midgame

                          i don't understand how can someone have a brown boot and stick in 30th minute with gold gaining changes and bounty runes unless you're playing in 2k mmr higher average

                          Este comentario fue editado

                            I once had this match at the 1 k bracket in my last account (I lost my last account) and I was a shadow shaman and there was an AA with me. This AA was so bad that he thought AA was a semi carry. He didn't buy wards and shit so I was forced to buy more wards than I should in a non solo support and had no utility items at all at the 40th mark. While the rest of the team was angry at him he finally bought wards at the 50th mark after he got an aghanim's, force staff and other shit. I was so fckin angry at the AA.


                              Side note: he was also stupid enough to say "just def!" When we had a fucking team wipe at late game. Needless to say, we lost horribly


                                the conclusion is u dunno how to sup and roam

                                King of Low Prio

                                  I noticed this alot when I was playing my girls account from 2k-3k is that alot of low MMR players like to play support because they have no clue what the fuck they are doing and like to have a excuse of 'Im support Im allowed to be poor' when they are only poor because they pull single stacked small camps, dont last hit neutrals, dont rotate to gank unless 'the lane is being lost' and dont secure runes. They also waste money on obs because they place them first then place sentries only to find out the other team was watching them place the ward the whole time.

                                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                    There's a one game that I'm a supporr where during the mid game I realize that our carries suck.

                                    So whenever I have a chance (no carries around), I last hit the creeps in order to farm item and contribute more help during team clash. Ofcourse I'm still buying wards/sentries for our team.

                                    And my prediction is right: our carries sucks. In the end, I have the highest GPM, XPM, and best KDA. And because luck was on our side, we managed to have a comeback victory.


                                    So my advice is, last hit creeps whenever posible but don't last hit if you have a carry hero within your range.

                                    Support is the hardest role in dota if you ask me.