General Discussion

General DiscussionCommit to my smurf or continue learning with my main account with 2.2...

Commit to my smurf or continue learning with my main account with 2.2k mmr in General Discussion
Free 2 Play Scootz

    I can see both sides here. I calibrated at 2.1k and was kinda bummed so I didn't played ranked for awhile. I played mostly all pick and was winning a lot.

    Fast foreword a few months and I was playing against 4K players in my all pick matches even though my mmr was like 2.2k. I decided to give ranked another try and it was so easy after playing against 4-5k players.

    Moral of the story: yes playing against better players can improve your mmr, however if you're good enough you don't need to smurf to play against them.

    stupid fuck 2000

      ^ Pretty much the exact same thing that happened to me except I played random draft rather than all pick.

      Este comentario fue editado

        i cant believe their's a thread 4 dis =.=


          My first acc just got 2.6. And i always think dat i can get more than 2.6. so i made new acc, then i played it inicely so now i got 3.2.


            Please don't suggest smurfs I don't want retards in VHS thinking they belong there.


              Lol 4k is trash T_T. Maybe 5k is better, although I have a feeling the differences are too subtle to actually have a change in game experience.

              Dick Trouser, MD

                Dota's the same every MMR until like 5k+, and then its still not consistently good. That's just the inherent flaw with a team based game. Honestly, most players in 4.5k bracket are impressively clueless about how to impact the game to their advantage. The amount of times I'll win a fight and my main building damaging hero just walks away from killing the tower we're next to is astounding. Also, no one knows that rosh exists. Literally the same shit as in 2k, 3k, 1k.