General Discussion

General DiscussionVisage VERY underrated

Visage VERY underrated in General Discussion

    Seriously this hero is the LEAST played hero in this game. People should give this hero a try. In my opinion its actually a bit op in mid. Yes i said mid.
    You dont even have to win mid lane.As soon as u're lvl 6 there is no one u can't kill in this game. Those familars have incredibly high damage. Also you have one of the best magical damage skill in the game, 400 damage with only 4 sec cooldown is amazing
    I was not gonna post this coz i dont want valve to nerf this hero. But as a midder, im sick of getting 0 min report just because i picked visage mid and later they dont bother commending me when i rape enemy team and carry the game
    This is just an example. I had better games. I think more people should give this hero a chance


      on normal skill u can even go Io mid carry and will work.


        Im not normal skill i just never play solo. This works in any skill. But i must admit mostly because people doesnt know what hes capable of.

        ALL VHS %71 winrate 850 games 5.00 KDA

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          there is always that certain simebody who makes a hero so OP like attacker kunkka, jerax ebola spirit (too op though), and badman spec months ago.. and visage is just way too boring to play even for a tryhard

          yung griphook

            visage actually does retarded damage, but mirco heroes aren't played as much.. hes a high skill cap hero

            mom said it's my turn to ...

              If you kill shit like this guy seems to do, I don't think it's boring at all, just a bit micro complicated that it usually scares off people from picking him


                The reason i played visage was it was not a simple boring right click afk farming hero. How can nuking enemy early-mid game and micromanaging familars bore you? Visage has 3 active spells and mostly active item build


                  @Waves i totally agree but 111th on popularity is way too bad for this beast

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                    the versatilty of playstyle and itemization on this hero is close to 0


                      stretch the game a lil long like 30 min and this hero is close to being a creep.. no way he comeback from being from behind too


                        @TripleSteal i disagree visage has so much situational items. You can even go dagon etheral which is veru popular for nuking with this hero 1 dagon burst gives you instant 6 soul charge which is +400 magical damage


                          @Cal midders are not supposed to reck late game. But there is also a carry build for this hero.


                            there were high 6k players who spammed IO mid previous patches.
                            Lil also used to spam visage mid not long ago.



                              Who cares if visage is good or bad you gonna play him anyways man, dont try to justify your picks youre like me i will play the heroes i like even in metas where theyre shit.
                              I like micro heroes, buy i hate the familiars damage mechanic and burst heroes in general, but ive seen a couple very good visage players on my games and they win mid lane so easy. Lil plays an amazing mid visage.


                                @Barbae Queen yes i also saw io mid in tournament matches recently. Apparently Lex thinks its retarded.


                                  @WonderWaiter its not about me playing or not. I try to give people ideas."who cares if x hero is good or bad" is pretty stupid sentence imo


                                    this hero is meh not like when somebody said from past threads like earth spirit is underrated and all hell break loose


                                      Es was never underrated. But this one is literally the least played hero in dota. It used to get picked alot in tournaments before. But suddenly teams lost interest in visage even tho it always got buffed

                                      rice cake

                                        You wanna see how visage should be played? Check my visage game replays..

                                        rice cake

                                          And the powet of visage will not degraded as ezly. 6 familiars chainstun late game win the game. You guys just dont know how to micro

                                          rice cake

                                            And good positioning


                                              9 sec stun is cancer for enemy team

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                                                He's awesome but you really have to make sure your team lets you get some levels quickly. If you are under levelled your familiars don't have anywhere near the same impact.

                                                Blightstone and windlace really helpful items for him if you (most likely) aren't allowed any farm...


                                                  ^ wtf you mean Rocket? once you hit lvl 6 you can farm jungle without taking damage and split push, as visage you get farm most of the times, youre a greedy support a 4 position.

                                                  well @Parte, i main naga, shes the 7th least picked hero right now... i just dont care, most people are lazy and will not learn to play specific micro oriented heroes, look at the bottom of the pick rate list all micro intensive heroes with niche gameplay


                                                    idk mb in 2ks u can go dagon eblade. im used to solar aghs every game.


                                                      @Rocket thats why playing safelane support with visage is waste of an incredible nuker. Either midlane or offlane. I dont recommend playing offlane because its very fragile early game with 0 armor and %10 magic resistance.

                                                      D the Superior
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                                                          @WonderWaiter if you are farming jungle or creeps when u hit lvl6(or any lvl actually) u're doing it wrong. You farm with killing enemy heroes. Thats what nukers do. I think rocket meant that before lvl 6 where your team refuse you as a nuker and dont let you solo


                                                            @WonderWaiter I also believe naga is underrated. The only reason im not playing her is because i suck playing as a carry. Tried playing her mid. She has potential. 5 sec root is really good for nuking but she needs farm alot. Mid is not the best for her imo


                                                              Glad someone understood me parte ;-)

                                                              You need to be in an aggressive lane if you are in a usual pub support role - one that allows you to get some kills and a timely six. That being said I love the times I get the chance to mid with him.

                                                              you need to stay ahead with items like medallion to stay relevant - once you fall behind it is hard to catch up again.


                                                                Soul assumption is one of my favorite Ability Draft picks, it really is a fantastic ability, and Visage has a great skillset overall. Provides a lot of utility and damage at the same time. I usually have fun when I pick the hero. But I forget the hero exists.


                                                                  I played him once, seemed a bit weak, maybe my itemisation wasn't the best but I couldn't count on my team to carry me.



                                                                    @kryptnyt i agree . When there is a pudge against me i purposely stay in the open so he can hook me and fill my souls. Then i nuke him to death


                                                                      Your Item build is very bad. You have to buy items that boost your damage and your familars damage like Medallion (must get item for visage), solar crest,desolator,aghanim, ac, orchid, then bloodthorn. And i recommend tranquil over pt

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                                                                        my best hero, all high skill, aghanims solar crest GG hard carry, hate axe love drow my visage is carry and my support in 5k skill is a drow with her third skill :3


                                                                          oh btw add refresher its very sexy item for visage.

                                                                          rice cake

                                                                            Your visage winrate und kda says otherwise. And axe dont counter familiars no more. The only counters in da game are gyro and medusa


                                                                              Even highly armored heroes will have a hard time dealing with this hero. ^But gyro and medusa makes me want to rage quit. Axe is no problem


                                                                                Visage mid rushing a solar crest and getting it like 8 mins in is fucking hilarious

                                                                                When you attack someone
                                                                                Its like pearl harbour all over again