General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do you flame?

Why do you flame? in General Discussion

    Pursuing outcomes or venting anger?
    I'm more in the latter category.

    Crimson Sky

      I really do try not to but sometimes it's just frustration at other people. For example the anti mage game I just played, the WW was in lane auto attacking all the creeps.. I ask him nicely many times to stop and he just reply "no". Obviously I'm trying to make up for lack of farm in lane and team is just constantly feeding their CK. Then they all start pinging me to come to teamfight which I go.. then they die because Lion and Troll dive the Huskar and the CK who just popped ult. Then they flame me for being noob for some unfathomable reason because I didn't also dive in and suicide. Russian 3/4 stacks are just the worst. Eventually I just told them to fuck off and luckily someone on the enemy team timed out so I could leave early.

      Pale Mannie

        the last time i flamed someone was in mid 6.86 to some stupid ass weebs in a duo stack

        Pale Mannie

          they were too shit to not be flamed

          Mr. Furryhentai

            that specie deservers to be flamed

            D the Superior
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                that's why:

                lm ao

                  i flame at weaboos

                  disgusting weebs


                      i flame people so they pull their heads out of asses and stop with their trying to lose the game with every shitty decision they make

                      disgusting weebs

                        ye arin that's certainly what makes people do less stupid shit(are you fucking serious)

                        Swap Commends

                          If u see how these creatures play dotes,not only u do flame but also u lose your faith in human being.

                          D the Superior
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                              ye arin that's certainly what makes people do less stupid shit(are you fucking serious)

                              if you play with people who afk jungle while enemy team five mans and takes objectives 10 minutes in then yes i'm gonna flame them to start playing

                              if you think that it's better to beg them on your knees and suck their dick to make them not deathly terrified of enemy heroes while that person has highest networth on your team then go ahead but you'll break very, very soon and you'll be ultra tilted (personal experience, trust me)

                              if you flame them for doing stupid shit and praise them when they stop doing it and you're suddenly turning around and winning thanks to it, they won't get tilted and actually sometimes even thank you for leading the game


                                ^^^ Are you fine Hodor?

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                                  disgusting weebs

                                    what do you mean flame to start playing

                                    if you tell i.e your afk jungle smth like "come and help us if you don't want to fucking lose" that's not flaming