General Discussion

General DiscussionLoL to Dota 2

LoL to Dota 2 in General Discussion
What the Puck

    I am a league player and I don't know what is going on in this game. For some reason, every kid wants mid even when you call mid. They run a lot of supports mid, and ADC disconnects after first blood. And how come no one ever jungles! Speaking of which, what champions are used to jungle (because they never make good carries)? This game is just confusing and the players so far are awful. Is this how Dota actually is or does it ever get better as you level. And who are some good streamers to watch, I want to learn this game but so far it's cancerous.


      there's no such thing as ADC in dota.

      not every game has a jungler. not every game is played the same; there are a variety of effective strategies and team compositions.

      "supports mid" you gotta qualify that for anyone to know what you're talking about. what heroes do you think don't belong mid that you're seeing?


        It won't get better as you level. It will stay just as cancerous.

        Player 215168758

          Trust me, 5k will be better, because smurfs capped into 4999 mmr

          Free 2 Play Scootz

            It gets better

            Vem Comigo

              For some reason, every kid wants mid even when you call mid. - Remmenber you are a kid as well.

              They run a lot of supports mid, - what heros, give examples.

              and ADC disconnects after first blood - no ADC in dota, we have 5 positions (farm priority) and 3ish roles, main Carry, Ganker(Initiator/utility) and the Sup.

              And how come no one ever jungles! - depends of the game, low tier dota has the least amount of junglers, they peak at 3-4k.

              Speaking of which, what champions are used to jungle (because they never make good carries) - HEROES m8, and most junglers can make a good carry, but most of them are in the Ganker/Utility position like ench,enigma, chen, doom. But you can jungle as Ursa, legion, Lycan, axe, blood, wk(pretty porly jungler), sand king, pa (pretty bad as well, did on low prio, since we had 5 carries), lone druid, beast master( another bad one), and any ranged hero can jungle safely.Plus you got jungling guide for all heros on youtube.

              The cancer is high on the first games, but after 250 or so the cancer will become rarer, but will never end.

              Optimus Drip

                Play techies. Become the cancer. Scare everyone away.mwhahahaha

                Optimus Drip

                  Also. Biggest tip I can give for real is don't take mid. Jungle or offline if you refuse to support .

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                  Pom Pom 🍕

                    Jungle is just used as a tool for farming for anyone, not a specific role. Usually supports will use the jungle early to stack camps for core heroes to clear later (sometimes to get an early blink dagger on an initiator hero or just get mid/carry more farm), or pull the jungle creeps out to your lane creeps so the lanes meet closer to your tower. Carries and mids will usually use the jungle the most after the laning stage is over when the closest lanes are pushed out.

                    Some utility heroes with summons can use the jungle at the start of the game to farm into a semi-core, but there are very few heroes who can farm effectively enough in the jungle in the early stages. Jungling carries is usually not recommended either outside low-level pubs since it can get punished badly by early push-strats (and getting ganked in the jungle as an item-dependent hero is a lot worse than as a semi-support who just need their core item(-s)).

                    A lot of heroes are versatile and can be played in multiple roles. Heroes are not bound to specific lanes or roles, though some are a lot better at certain roles.

                    This link could be useful:

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                    Hatsune Miku

                      necrophos is the eziest jungle hero, skill heartstopper, stack camps and stand in one spot all game. :)


                        ^ don't forget to minimize game and touch yourself while you are waiting .


                          Sand king is nice because 1) he smiles a lot 2) you can support your safelane and stack jungle camps for yourself to farm them later with sandstorm. In most cases jungler is not recommended, you don't play jungle as it'd be your 4th lane. It's better to pick a support and play 2-1-2 or 1-1-3. Jungling in dota is just boring, you use it to 1) farm stuff 2) give other lanes solo xp. In current meta a jungler should be more of a support role like enigma with mek and wards but you can also play more carry style jungler like Legion (h3h3).

                          I've played lol but i like dota better, the game is highskilled and doesn't treat you like a retard. There're many mechanics to learn, you'll need skill and knowledge to improve. At your level you won't find any of this, finding someone good at dota can help you progress. From my experience you need 80-100h of dota to 'get the basics'; feel comfortable using the courier, play various roles and a few heroes.


                            Welcome to the trench! xD

                            Player 215168758

                              +59% players Played dota for years and still sucks. Rofl

                              Pale Mannie

                                There is no stale meta


                                  League of legends is dogshit,
                                  I know what im saying i have like 1k games in lol.

                                  me, government hooker

                                    i wish i played lol and not this garbage game

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                                      Pale Mannie

                                        The key to success