General Discussion

General DiscussionThere is any chance to get Very High skill ?

There is any chance to get Very High skill ? in General Discussion
Chief Keef

    There is any chance to get Very High skill ? What should i do any tips ? also what hero should i spam no bad comments pls respect post. Also what thing that i need to learn tnx in advance.
    Also i am fast farm with am win or lose.

    Best Treant EU

      if u really would be vhs level u would roflstomp all ur games in normal bracket. it doesnt matter what u pick, u dont need to be 1st or 2nd position all the time..

      Chief Keef

        @Mulatschak what do u mean ?

        Best Treant EU

          Check my smurf here:

          ur main account is vhs already i just recognized. just play ur main account if u want to play vhs games. according to ur main wr of 50% u are exactly were u belong.