General Discussion

General DiscussionOmniKnight

OmniKnight in General Discussion

    Why don't pros use Omniknight more in tournaments ? I mean i think even PA has more picks overall . What's so bad about good ol' Omni ?

    Mr. Furryhentai

      because omniknight gets hard countered buy an item that costs 3850 gold and gives good stats for agi heroes

      Dire Wolf

        too easy to counter, pick around


          It's a fallacy that diffusal blade hard counters him.

          I don't know why he wouldn't work for the pros but it isn't because of diffusal blade.

          There's only a few heroes you really want to get diffusal on and if you can force the opposition to sub-optimal builds to counter a support then you are already on the way to winning.


            I'd think it's because Omni's such a defensive laning support and lots of the meta is early aggression.


              MVP.Salza got it right. Omniknight is just too static of a support for pro games. If you do see him in pro games he is played in the offlane, but this rarely happens as teams usually favour initiation from their offlaner.

              Diffusal blade is not enough to counter the entire tool kit that Omniknight provides, there's a reason why even at 5k< he has a very high win rate, I doubt players at that mmr are not buying diffusal blade for him.

              Este comentario fue editado

                his laning is weak, you can't zone out tides/timbers and yes diffusal/purge abilities are good vs him but pro teams would punish the 4v5 early game too much

                Dire Wolf

                  He has no disables but he can be a pretty aggressive laner if you level up degen for slows and run around repelling a ganker right? I mean old OD + omni in pubs was like unstoppable. Couldn't you run him aggressive with like a lion or something, leveling up some degen and purification for nuke dmg?


                    Omni is a good surprise pick in pro matches, but just that. You can play around him and hard counter him too.