General Discussion

General DiscussionHow actually you practice dota 2

How actually you practice dota 2 in General Discussion

    Hi guys sorry to make a noob topic. Yes i'm a noob and only got normal skill on dotabuff. I havent played ranked about 5 months probably and i just bought compendium. So i noticed that you can replace mmr with international ranked (like tbd again) so i want to see how is my improvement . I always search and search way to be good (or to git gud) but i always see people tell me to just practice practice practice. I like practice but i dont know how to practice in dota 2. If anyone knows csgo u will know that there are a ton ways to practice (like practice headshot) etc. But in dota i always see practice last hitting only, nothing more. I know you guys on this forums is 4k 5k mmr (which is i always dream about) so can you guys tell me what to do to get to the next level and what practice should i do?

    Btw sry for bad english and any comments will be appreciated

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      "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

        Arcades are a good way to practice too like over throw to practice skills, builds and just playing the hero without farming.

        Don't worry about inter ranked because it's basically at best plus 200 mmr so it's not something to stress over or think is a game changer


          practice lasthits
          practice with bots
          playing support
          learn how to meepo, invoker, nature, chen, and many hard heroes
          learn to read the maps

          and the last is learn mistake from your last match

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              just play?


                Wow thankz guys for the replies. Didnt expect it will be this soon.

                @mekarazium i never flame and what goal do u mean?

                @TheKid ok thats new ill try that soon

                Thx for replies:)


                  Wow so many replies

                  I play invoker a lot bro and i can say he is my best hero but really suck dick at meepo.


                    I see a lot of practice lasthits. Btw i can lasthit but i can't farm really well like idk why pro players can get above 60 over 10 minutes everytime. I think maybe it is my lasthit not so good or is there any trick that u guys know to improve farming ? My avg is 45-50 at 10 minutes


                      search for mistakes and fix them.

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                        Al Bundy

                          Above 60 in 10 mins is shit.
                          Above 80 in 10 mins now thats getting you somewhere.

                            Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

                              Most of the things you can only practice by playing the game. Things you can practice in a lobby would be:
                              Last hitting. I believe there is also a custom game that helps practice.
                              Stacking and Pulling. Start up a lobby with no bots and practice stacking each camp and getting double or triple pulls right.
                              Warding. Lots of good warding videos on youtube. You can also start up a lobby with no bots and walk around the map thinking about where good wards spots would be.
                              Farming. Start up a lobby with not bots, use cheats to give you a battlefury and then practice farming jungle camps. Find the most efficient pattern and routes. Also lots of youtube videos on this.
                              Itemisation. Open up a random pro game result on Dotabuff and pick a hero. Then thing what you would build on that hero in that game with those enemies and teammates. Look at what the pro did build and if its different from what you would have done, try understand why. Also works for skillbuilds.

                              For other aspects of dota, you just need to play and learn from your mistakes.


                                @maverick ok i will do it on lobby to practice that and what is the thing to practice in real game? (Can u dont put "etc" cause i want to know every aspects of dota which is important in game and to be practiced)


                                @benelovent is it possible to get 80 and above in first 10 minutes? I dont know total creeps at 10 minutes on 1 lane


                                  Anyone here want to coach me ? XD
                                  Will be very helpful right if i am coached ? Thats what i think at least...

                                  SEA server (i know this is shitty server with tt ker)


                                    1. Work on your mechanics. (last hitting, team fighting, trading hits with enemies in lane)
                                    2. NEVER get mad at your team, even when playing from behind. Being positive and wining games that you were losing, will add alot more wins to your list.
                                    3. Learn how to think ahead, know what you wil be doing in the next 1-2 mins, and predict what your team should be doing, and what ur enemy will be doing for next 1-2 mins, think about possibly ganking enemy, the enemy possibly ganinkg you while ur farming (good players will smoke gank you and take ur towers if u are carrry farmign alone)
                                    4. IF you arep laying support, know how to pull perfectly to deny enemny exp, and garantuee ur carry farm, use all ur spells in fights froim the back, buy smokes and gather with atleast 2-3 people from ur team to set u pganks, use smoke then ping enemy side of the map for ur tema tyo follow u.
                                    6. When you are carry, DONT DIE IN LATE GAME or ull be gone 100 seconds and might have to buy back
                                    7, When playing support, MAINTAIN MAP CONTROL. you have absolutely NOTHIGN with no map control.

                                    IF you see people fighiutng by a tower, TP SUPER FAST, and hopeofully u can land some spells and win the fight for your team.

                                    Try to recalibrate on a smurf and get put into as higher skill brackjet, playingagainkst good enemies will make uy better, even if u lose.

                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                      ^^ for last one. You can also just party with very high skill players.

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        If you actually want to improve start by playing ranked. A visible number gives you gauge on progression and the people who avoid ranked do it because they cant delude themselves on what their skill is.


                                          WARNING! WALL OF TEXT INCOMING!

                                          @ OP: Things you have to "practice" in a real game are basically things like positioning, decision making, map awareness, teamwork and playstyle. Those are things you cant practice in a lobby, and the only way you get better at it is by playing games and learning from your mistakes.

                                          For example, you can't start a lobby or even a botmatch and expect to get better at positioning. It comes from playing the game. If you get hooked by pudge while standing at the edge of the river you learn that maybe you shouldn't stand there if you don't know where pudge is. If your blink gets cancelled by a radiance and you cant initiate then you learn that maybe you should stand further back before the fight.

                                          Likewise you cant really practice decision making, teamwork, map awareness and playstyle (when to be aggressive, when to be defensive, when to split push and so on) without playing a game. You cant start a lobby and say I'm going to make decisions for an hour." You only learn by playing a game and making both good and bad decisions. As difficult as it is you can only learn a lot of things by playing Dota with 9 other people.

                                          You can focus on specific things each game. To improve map awareness you can play 10 games and force yourself to look at the minimap every 30 or so seconds to see where the enemy is and what your team is doing. Eventually it will become a habit and you will do it without having to actively thing about it. Then you can play 10 games and focus on your positioning. Ask yourself every few seconds "Should I be here and am I safe here?" if you keep thinking about where you are and if you should be there eventually it becomes habit.

                                          Decision making is more of a retrospective thing. You general have to make decisions in the heat of the moment. Things like "Do I turn and fight, or do I leave my teammate to die?" If you turn and fight, maybe you both die and you learn that next time you shoud have run. Or maybe your teammate almost kills the enemy and you learn next time to stay and fight. Even pros make mistakes so its not something you can learn perfectly. But over time your decisions should improve, especially if you analyse them afterwards and ask yourself, "what could I have done instead of what I did that would have been better"

                                          Teamwork and playstyle are difficult to practice. But ask youself every time you get to lane: "with our current heroes and their current heroes should we be aggressive or defensive? Should we play for lategame and farm or shoud we push and end early?" You need to know how every hero in the game interacts to be good at this and it is something you learn over time by playing the game.
                                          Teamwork obviously requires some assistance from the 4 other guys on your team. If they refuse to listen or work with you theres not much you can do. But still, try talk to your team, tell them what you think the team should do, be it push or take rosh or split up to farm. And ask them what they think and take their opinions into consideration. If you have a group of friends you play with often its easier to work on teamwork and drafting a good lineup.


                                            @ King of LP:
                                            I avoid ranked because it takes roughly a week to find a game in my server :P


                                              @TheMaverick oh my god, really really thankyou for that wall of text. Cant believe you did it for me. Yea i feel like i sometime go too front and die first while i am the core of the team and lose game. I think the one you say to make me always ask to myself "should i be here and is it safe for me to stand here?" Will be very helpful. Cant wait to try that ingame.

                                              Once more, thankyou very much :D and i really appreciated ur answer.

                                              so i should start ranked now or i try that first in normal?

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                watch pros, play a lot

                                                Johnny Rico

                                                  I play with bots to test jungle strats, if they are viable or not.
                                                  Watch pro games, best way to get more game knowledge, about positioning, rosh times, smoke reveal with scan etc


                                                    1.)You have to think ahead and know what the enemy can do. Example: If there is a Magnus or Enigma on the enemy team, don't just clump up with your team. Stay back and wait for the enemy initiation. Memorize cooldowns and shit.
                                                    2.)Practice your timings. This will help you get better item timings, stacks, pulls, etc.
                                                    3.)CONSTANTLY LOOK AT THE MINIMAP. I get fucking tired of idiots getting mad at me for not calling missing in my lane even though the enemy has been missing for like 5 minutes.
                                                    4.)Watch replays of your own games. You can see where your mistakes are at so you can build upon them and get better.


                                                      @NB.Zictive if you play dota 2 and you click rank match (your 1st TBD match) and you quit cause you don't want to play rank match yet? its still counted?

                                                      Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                                                        There should be a way to practice cancelling skills :/ :3 ññ

                                                        NEMOJ GAAAA HRPO

                                                          Dunno about you guys but being positive during game means alot :)


                                                            Wow u guys are so nice
                                                            I always read ur comments and thank you guys

                                                            I wanna ask something
                                                            How pros or 3k4k player can farm like 40 minutes with 300 above lh

                                                            I saw pov etc but still dont get it
                                                            Its not looks like they afk farming they r also fighting pushing etc but i cant do it

                                                            For me 40 minute is 200 max
                                                            Can anyone help?

                                                            I pretty confident that i can lasthit as well but i dont know how to farm. U guys should be know what i mean

                                                            Once more if there is any SEA coach i really want to play with them and be coached


                                                              Since there is so much wisdom in this thread, I would also like to ask a question:
                                                              Since dota is a team game, how do go about decision making as core, before a fight starts?
                                                              The problem is that you can calculate what spell may be casted and create a scenario that results in you killing or dying, but that scenario, how ever well crafted it would be, still relies on team mates being useful (in a 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 clash).

                                                              How can you make a right decision when your team mate is incapable of casting a spell that could be game changing, at the proper time ?

                                                              In the lower tires no matter how well u calculate the odds of a fight, there will always be surprises due to lack of skill.

                                                              HApe NYu YeR KUSH!!

                                                                Watch me

                                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                                  Grind more dota
                                                                  Use your brain
                                                                  Be open minded
                                                                  Play coolheaded
                                                                  Build gamesense

                                                                  Fuck the wall of texts, majority of the community here won't give anything other than telling you the basics on an overly lengthy wall of text or mislead you, there's a reason why high mmr players like kitrak, mason, ywn, etc stopped posting seriously or at all here

                                                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                                                    This is a thread from 2016 xD

                                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                                      oh boy i got bamboozled


                                                                        How is this thread not locked lol . I though one month after last reply thread got locked automatically


                                                                          I practice with bot for like a whole 9 months. Starting from easy to Unfair. It helps me a lot with last hitting, game mechanics and also item mechanics. First, I usually practice 1 hero until i am good enough with it and use the same build that the game suggest me. and after that if im good at last hitting and mechanics of skills. i try a new Build of items. Always Read the Description of Skills and Items. This info will help you a lot. And also watch videos for a new mechanics or trivia..

                                                                          mlvn Fruits` and Veggies`

                                                                            Hahahahah 2016 thread eta gege