General Discussion

General Discussionvenomancer - why is he so unpopular?

venomancer - why is he so unpopular? in General Discussion

    I mean... his dots make it harder to toggle armlet and he can be pretty solid offlaner or safe lane support... and he can deal massive amount of damage in teamfights... and pretty simple and noobproof to play... why is he so unpopular?




        He's really fuckin' slow. And he kinda needs level advantage, but in most situations he's going to get driven off the off-lane because of squishiness and being slow.

        Professor Dog

          Because he looks like a banana.


            It's not fun to run around with 335 ms

            Johnny Rico

              venom armelet WHUT, slow and low hp pool so no escape, so he cant be a very good offlaner, he is best as a sup, or a mid like sing did, he had dominated mid, because of the venom harass.

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                read a reddit "article", wait a few days and come to dotabuff to appear smart, profit

                FUCK YOU TRASH


                  @hook and roll
                  OP isn't saying to get armlet on veno, he's saying that venomancer is strong against heroes that get armlet because it makes toggling difficult, and armlet is a current hot item this patch, mainly on lifestealer and alchemist.


                    just saying but ill pick veno aa drow trilane and pwn in the qualifiers

                    Your Wife's Boyfriend

                      99.99% of the players do not know anything about his lore and complex character, thats why they think he is bad. He is fun once you get to know him. I prefer to call him by his real name - benomancer, cuz it is very important to establish a good relation with the character before using his/her powers for ur own benefit.

                      Now about the topic, I like playing veno, but he doesnt fit in the current meta, at least for me, the armlet toggle is a valid argument, but lets see some of the armlet heroes - wk (2 lives, sometimes 3), huskar (magic res), alche (a lot of regen), naix (spell imm, infest, a lot of lifesteal)

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                      Speak English, Pick Stuns

                        he will become popular when he gets more hats


                          So... if you buy Armlet on Venomancer... nothing can stop you from toggling it!

                          Livin' Real Good

                            He looks dumb, why play him when I can play someone who look's as cool as Slark, or someone like Meepo who says " you got some dirt on you, HERE'S SOME MORE! O_O "


                              useless against bkb's and tanky heroes, no escape mechanism, depend on ult much , weak as a support, cant carry

                              Dire Wolf

                                He has no real role is the issue. He's a defensive and does great team fight stuff but that's about it. He can't carry, he can sort of mid, he can't support lanes that well cus no disables. He's decent at zoning out enemies in lane with his dot but mid game having a greedy support with no stuns hurts team


                                  I really like veno,lot of magic damage,wards give vision and can disable daggers, decent pusher


                                    ^ he's not that good of a pusher either. Plague wards aren't really that great. They are ok in high ground defense though.


                                      he's suck agains blink hero

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                                      House Cat

                                        Sure loss when Veno is on my team :D

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