General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy the hell is storm spirit being buffed again

Why the hell is storm spirit being buffed again in General Discussion

    This hero is the most cancerous piece of shit hero to play against. He takes a game which is fun, which allows you to win based on skill and strategy, and just sucks all the fun out and then takes a steaming turd on the top. Positioning? Juking? Farming a lane with wards up every where and being jumped on from halfway across the map taking out half your hp and then followed up by being silenced, stunned for 3 seconds and then right clicked down while you are slowed every step of the way.

    Like this hero is least fun fucking hero to play against in dota. He's more fucknig cancer than techies and thats basically almost impossible.


      ^ retard detected


        Buy bkb and abysyal blade
        Or cheap eblade

        muted all, it's just a ga...

          ^pick strom if u think he is OP

          muted all, it's just a ga...

            We will check your winrate later


              OVER HERE
              ZIP ZAP


                I have 100% winrate on him because I accidentally queued all random one time after coming out of low prio and forgot to change back to all pick.




                  me, government hooker

                    were u farming top whta the fuck how can u have <100 cs at 41 mins


                      Don't talk to me about that game. Our Furion went guardian greaves after I had already picked them up when I told him at the start he should go necro 3 to counter the wraith king. Then what do you know, around 26 minutes in after being even all game we lose 3 heroes twice because wraith king is just able to reincarnate (plus slardar baited 2 more of us into dying when he blinked on the wraith king in the mid lane almost next to their tier 2 tower and of course since he has reincarnation and heaps of mana I can't necro scythe him or he would reincarnate and then storm spirit lives for the whole fight and they clean us up afterwards) tldr - teamed up with trolls/idiots.


                        Whining about Storm in 2016 lul.
                        Seriously tough, the hero is not OP by any means, he can snowball harder than any other hero, but you gotta let him do that. He's 100% useless against early 5-maning, very hard to comeback now that he cant farm efficently in the jungle etc. He's far from the cancer he once was, I'd even say that he still needs some small buffs to be really playable again.

                        Este comentario fue editado


                          ✪ BATSSS

                            He's a piece of shit...
                            But i think that storm is a TI only hero..
                            As he was frequently picked at TI4/5 and had some appearances in TI1..
                            And he is a lovable flamboyant hero as well...
                            He is quite fun...
                            Despite he's annoying... I think that he deserved buffs... But at 6.88 I think it became a little too much...

                            Livin' Real Good

                              Oh please, Storm still isn't a top tier pick, if anything they owed him these buffs after nerfing the shit out of him in 6.85, at least now he's more playable, and even a good situational pick in some line ups, he's exactly where he should be.

                              ✪ BATSSS

                                After counting his DPS-ish...
                                With spell damage amp...
                                A lvl 11 storm will still deal about 10-25% minus dmg if he has an orchid, bloodstone (12 charges), treads...
                                His mana cost is still hell...
                                Despite more overload dmg...


                                  needs more buff

                                  stupid fuck 2000

                                    Yeah guys storm is so OP that he hasn't even been picked once during the Major and now that ESL has started he still hasn't been picked. Yeah so op LUL. And don't tell me about pubs cause his winrate is also shit in pubs.

                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                      You gotta get orchid by 16 mins to get any kills but u have to have bs to sustain and when you get that your dps drops back off then you have to farm jungle for more items. You would have to play against a perfect storm player for that to happen.


                                        early orchid = storm shutdown


                                          I want to zip.. Zap I'm over here! Touche!

                                          < blank >

                                            OSfrog shazamicon IM OVER HERE! shazamicon OSfrog HO HO SoBayed LOOKING FOR ME? OSfrog shazamicon HAHA!! OSfrog shazamicon ZIP ZAP SoBayed ZIIIIIIIP OSfrog


                                              I also dont know why he needs more buffs. He was one of the most broken heros the game has ever seen in his state before the nerfs. people said he got nerfed dead but that is certainly not true. he just needs more time to get online and snowballing got harder. i think he is being buffed cause its a fun hero to play and watch. so valve want him in upcoming tournaments mainly in TI6.
                                              This isnt really that impactful for like 90 % of the pub players since it really is the 6k palyers that can use him and average like 70+ % winrate while almost spamming him.