General Discussion

General DiscussionNature prophet for dummies :)

Nature prophet for dummies :) in General Discussion

    Hi guys, i'm 2k dumbshit that usually play into carry role but i can do well (for my shit braket) mid and also supp, but i can't cover solo offlane well and when i play with my 5 man team i would also let other play mid and carry to pick offlane, i can play slardar axe necro and enchantress but i'm not satisfied, can u give some tips, nice guides or video to start play np solo offlane? i know i can watch admiralbulldog's (or other pros) majors permormances but i'm think too noob to start micro that well all the treants, i just need to start with something simple suited for my bracket. ty and sorry for bad eng.

    sin blyadi

      Skyrim for nords


        ty for the answer man


          ez 19 min solo offlane

          If you're solo make sure to keep ur distance with the enemy or atleast have some ward around