General Discussion


HELP ME I SO MANY QUESTION FOR NOW . in General Discussion
HARD *******

    hey guys, I really need our help. I have no idea what I just saw in the sky.

    i was standing outside a few hours ago, staring at the sky, when I noticed an object that was maybe it form like a circle and its color black then it flashing blue brighter color. at first i was almost positive it was a kite or helicopter. It seemed really high up, though, so I just figured it was far away. I watched it, expecting to see it make a noticeable move, just hovered in the sky. it happen few hours
    and i seen it already 11:30 am when the

    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      It also happened to me. My advice is equip a Gem of True Sight to reveal that thing. Careful his MMR is VHS.

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      ✪ BATSSS

        Wait... If this is real life y post to dotabuff?? (Nice WR btw... Mine is also terrible) Also give us physical evidence... And add me on steam to discuss about ET life

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        HARD *******

          its serous. i just wanted to know what i saw . maybe a one can answer.

          House Cat

            Maybe a probe :3


              How many color? While that thing passed there, didi u hear anything? I think this happen to me last year. Mine was black then when it get closer it become blue, red, orange and its look like burning it landed in the sea, lol.


                Sorry for dissappointing you about ET life but its ISS i've seen so many times. (International Space Station) Follow science some instead of playing dota whole day. ISS always flying there you can find ISS route where he goes or he came from. Search net. Here first time i saw recorded a video it is not clear but i see the same blue colour and i knew while recording that was ISS


                sorry for bad grammar

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                ✪ BATSSS

                  Giorgio Tsoukalos should read about that...

                  HARD *******

                    Hey berzerk the same on your link but when i seen it at 11 oclock in the morning .

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                      Doesnt matter what time you see. ISS always fly there

                      MID OR ALL MID

                        that gyro i bet


                          If it has a bf it's from my game and if you could please report it that would be great


                            Maybe its a wild pokemon? Go catch em all

                            Swap Commends

                              Gyro in real life


                                On a serious note, get your eyes checked flashing or colored lights can be a sign of something serious, don't take the risk.

