General Discussion

General DiscussionPlayers with gud exp on bloodthorn

Players with gud exp on bloodthorn in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Hows this big item compared to other big items? Is it very hero specific like clinx perhaps? Or can it be a "general" big item for heroes?


      trash item imo
      scythe is better universally and doesn't get countered by bkb or eul
      only good if you get it fast on heroes that naturally bring orchid like SS,clinkz,or shit

      Este comentario fue editado

        It should be good on most heros which tremendous attack speed, even better if they like having orchid.


          Good item on paper
          Trash in most of the times in reality


            It's definitely not a general item. usually you will build it as an upgrade to orchid. bloodthorn is good when you have a bunch of people rightclicking the target because of the universal crit. It also grants truestrike so it can help deal with something like a pa. The item is probably best for spell based heroes that need to turn into right clickers late game, so things like qop or storm spirit.

            Hatsune Miku

              good for ww carry late game