General Discussion

General DiscussionSo is Terrorblade the best hero right now?

So is Terrorblade the best hero right now? in General Discussion

    Kitrak has a very big and juicy dick, pls dont hate so much on him guys ^___________^

    D the Superior
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        tb+one counterinitiator like tide or void is pretty good i think


          Z E N O T H SAMA

          When do you get rid of q.blade?

          Final Boss

            The real problem is pros have just found out tb is really good vs the best hero of the prev patch i.e lifestealer. If he uses his third skill on you, you can always manta out of it and he has no chance vs tb in a manfight if he doesnt use open wounds. He is only good now because of too many right click heroes being picked and not enough nukers/disablers. Since him and am used to be brothers in dota 1, they were completely different. Am was the guy who was strong vs the nukers late game but shit vs right clickers. Tb has always been the guy who was strong vs right clickers and shit vs nukers.

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            Final Boss

              a decent slark who doesnt buy blink dagger like a tard vs tb since he will need all the damage he can get is the only solution to tb if you really wanna pick an agi carry vs him since he can run away and then come back and kill tb since tb is slow af.


                ^ you know nothing about terrorblade as everyone can See on the fact your still NORMAL SKILL After 1400 games.

                Final Boss

                  yet i am able to beat 6k and 5k mmr players without any help by playing tb mid ever since 6.80.

                  Este comentario fue editado
                  Final Boss

                    mmr means nothing tbh just a number that makes tards happy.

                    Final Boss

                      i've played vs no.2 visage on dotabuff. WhiteGlint. He plays visage mid and i've beaten him. No.22 morphling Z u m r u t t a l mid beaten him too. He has 90% winrate with morph out of ~300 games. I've never once lost to a 6k mid except Zoa. So yeah i know more about tb than you son.


                        ^ AHAHAHAHAHAH pls dont make me cry.

                        Von Darkmoor

                          TB pretty Nice been Nice for some time but pros havet noticed intill now i think its pretty balanced his early push is insane dont know why ppl havet use it earlier. Unbalanced nah decent ly balanced betterthey nerf Windrangers latch or something broken like Void.

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                            Unbeatable in certain matchups, a lot like meepo last picks but TB is much more viable and can be first picked for sure


                              rtz is spamming TB and got about 200-300 mmr

                              saving private RTZ

                                yet i am able to beat 6k and 5k mmr players without any help by playing tb mid ever since 6.80.

                                This is the most retarded and delusional thing i've read in a long long time


                                  This heros broken as fuck actually


                                    Isolated lamentation is a mongoloi.d idiot . Google it and see for your self.

                                    Este comentario fue editado
                                    Final Boss


                                      Final Boss

                                        didnt save the morphling or the visage game, they're 6 months old.

                                        Final Boss

                                          dont be butthurt cause you cant win in 4k/3k bracket boys.

                                          Final Boss

                                            rtz is spamming tb and got about 200-300 mmr in america which is why no one cares about his mmr. Americans just give up after the first 15 min of the game.

                                            Final Boss

                                              what i dont get is why you people beg for a hero to get buffed when he is fine as he is and then cry about him being OP a couple of months later. Are you retarded or something?

                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                can u tell me how are u still 4k after six thousand matches?

                                                Final Boss

                                                  cause i am unable to play ranked in my country. I got 8 abandons the last month cause of load shedding.

                                                  Final Boss

                                                    i agree dragon lance gives too much for what its worth but the hero shouldnt be touched. He's finally viable after all this time.


                                                      btw rtz playing on eu for quite some while now xd


                                                        i guess tb's op if you manage to win so much on him whilst remaining dogshit on every other hero 4Head


                                                          rtz is playing eu west and the hero is broken


                                                            so wahts the carry mid pick to counter him?

                                                            Final Boss

                                                              Tinker, lesh and 6.86 od were the heroes i hated most in mid lane.

                                                              Este comentario fue editado
                                                              Final Boss

                                                                like i said before the hero is strong in 2 stages of the game like every other hero. You cant fight him early, mid game is when you can shut him down easily. Ofc any good tb knows how to counter this by farming safely. You need a good counter to him like sven, lc or ursa if you want a carry to fight him. Lc can disable him long enough for her team to kill him. Sven 3rd skill destroys his right click and unless he gets a diffusal, he's not winning a manfight vs sven. Ursa can deal the highest damage quicker than any other hero. Even in the late game when they're both six slotted if ursa starts hitting the real one tb will have around 150-200 hp left when ursa dies. If you have even a little help from a decent support tb is dead. Special mention to slark who shits on tb throughout the game. He doesnt let him freely push lanes and even though he falls off late game he eats enough stats during a teamfight that he can slow down tb's push for some time. He can easily feed off him most of the game and end faster. The pros just need to understand that blink dagger is not an item that will help you in a fight vs tb. With a silver edge, and skadi/basher you can kill him every time he shows his face on the map. Also they keep picking alchemist and ls without banning tb which is the biggest mistake you can make. Tb shits on both of them throughout the game especially alchemist. Magnus is best with any of the above heroes. A hero with 3 escapes that has an aoe disable, a nuke for early, a steroid and a slow is one of the best counters to tb. Force, blink, skewer, maybe a shadow blade/ghost scepter though it wont be needed. You can escape tb with just the skewer and blink. The slow is only 25% which means the illu wont even hit you more than once if you skewer away.

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                                                                  ^^+1 but playing them was also fun

                                                                  LIL KASALANAN (REAL)

                                                                    If we're talking bout normal skill by 20min all their t2 are prolly demolished by TB already and preparing to seige high ground :v

                                                                    Final Boss

                                                                      yea but even sniper can get rampages in normal skill.

                                                                      Final Boss

                                                                        The weaknesses of the hero are still there.He can only participate in won teamfights and cant do much if he gets focused. Positioning is key.
                                                                        His slow is pretty good for teamfights but its still nothing compared to say sven's warcry. 20 armor and 12% bonus ms for his entire team on a 6 second downtime and 25 mana cost is way better than a 100% damage dealing invulnerable illusion. Sven has a better steroid skill 300% damage vs tb's 80 with 550 range. Sven gets almost twice as much cleave as a battlefury while tb gets an illusion that takes 400% damage and deals 60%. Since cleave is pure if the tb does have his illusion up and sven hits the illu it will get the real tb really low and he can die if sven has a linken's sphere/lotus orb.

                                                                        Este comentario fue editado
                                                                        Final Boss

                                                                          imo any nerfs to the hero will destroy him. Nerfing any of his skills destroys his late game. Nerfing his stats destroys his early game and he'll be back to shit tier. Also since morphling will probably be the next cancer hero after ti when people finally realize that the ethereal rush mid morph is viable again, this is the only hero in the game that can counter that.


                                                                            tb is like od, hard to balance
                                                                            either complete garbage or terribly op
                                                                            btw if u are forced to fight vs battlecry as tb u can get diffusal to remove it from 1 target and quckly delete him

                                                                            Este comentario fue editado
                                                                            Final Boss

                                                                              @sisyphus yea i guess he was really OP back in 6.84 cause thats when i had the most success with the hero.

                                                                              Final Boss

                                                                                @inx long qua yea you can do that but his team wont just be sitting there laying eggs.

                                                                                Final Boss

                                                                                  if they have any aoe disable they can use it on you to kill you before your team can do anything. Sven is one of the best heroes vs him cause he deals pure damage through his cleave and completely ignores tb's 50+ armor in late game. Unless its 1v1 tb has next to no chance vs a farmed sven. You can push his towers fast with the 3 butterfly build if they have many teamfighters but a team with magnus doesnt push slow either and 3 butterflies destroy your manfighting power once someone gets an mkb.

                                                                                  Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                  Final Boss

                                                                                    Tb isnt hard to balance. He was in fact balanced enough back in 6.85 but people kept crying to buff him. They get the hero overbuffed and he becomes cancer for 4 months and then they cry about that same hero they wanted buffed and he becomes shit tier for the next 2-3 years.


                                                                                      im sure icefrog doesnt give a fuck about ppl crying about hero needing buffs or something
                                                                                      but who teh fuk know xd

                                                                                      Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                      Final Boss

                                                                                        He does. Mostly the game is balanced based on the opinions of redditards.

                                                                                        Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                          well then the redditards have balanced the game well. there has never been so many viable heroes

                                                                                          Final Boss

                                                                                            But the redditards need to stop crying for buffs and then nerfs as soon as a hero gets said buffs. You cant even be happy if your favourite hero gets a couple of buffs cause he becomes cancer for the next 4 months and then goes back into shit tier for the next 3 years.

                                                                                            Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                              except for the fact that the game is balanced on the professional scene.


                                                                                                There is a reason that 24 of the 25 least seen heroes at manila got buffs in 6.88

                                                                                                Final Boss

                                                                                                  was tb in the professional scene in 6.80? no. Who cried about him? redditards. Did he get nerfed? Yes.

                                                                                                  Final Boss

                                                                                                    Yea the most picked/banned heroes get nerfed after every tournament. This is the patch of right clickers. Tb is strong vs right clickers. If you nerf that part of him then you might as well delete him from the game.


                                                                                                      Right now Phoenix-void combo are more OP than TB.. Pretty sure these 2 heroes (phoenix/void) will be getting much love in upcoming Ti. Chinese love it, and of course the mighty OG team that uses it well