General Discussion

General DiscussionDid play solo mmr not effective to increase your skill..?

Did play solo mmr not effective to increase your skill..? in General Discussion

    Recently I climbed my mmr from low 3k to low and mid 4k..

    But my friend critics me, so I want to improve my skill..

    The critics
    When I play carry/mid
    "you lucky you have good team & support"

    When I play support
    "you lucky got carried"

    I found in 4k easier to play support because i can expect Standart/decent play from my carry then support,
    So when I play support my winning chance is increase..

    So anyone have better suggestion how to increase your skill..?

    "play ranked and only mid"
    "play ranked and only hard micro hero"
    "play bot but destroy ancient in 7 minute"
    "got 1000 cs at 30 min with *insert hero"
    " and others *insert your tips here"


    casual gamer

      allu have to do is find ur mistakes and remove them


        Agree.. But sometimes high risk high reward play is so tempting..

        casual gamer

          u learn when u play like that also. u just need to make sure it is high risk high reward and not high risk low reward, especially as pos 1


            after 6k its worth it to switch to leagues/scrims; untill then solo q works better, though.


              @ezperanza that's why I think solo q is great for increase skills and gamesense.. U learn by doing and make mistake.. But sometimes people not appreciate it..

              @triplesteal thanks for your suggestion sir.. So grind to 6k in solo right now is better..
              Btw u and cookie are my favorite poster here.. Lol