General Discussion

General DiscussionTA Player

TA Player in General Discussion
rice cake

    Hey how do you win with TA? Why is when i meld and want to attack i walk instead. When to use Refraction? How do i dive tower and secure kill? Bcos if I miscalculate refraction I will end up being killed under enemy tower. How can I hit hero behind the creep i'm currently hitting? Bcos the psi blade seems not worked for me to hit the target behind. Can i bind a single psionic trap individually? So i know excactly which trap i want to trigger? Best item build? I simply never win with this hero 6 games totals (last game i played in AUG 2015). She is the only hero i cannot win with, beside sniper (3 games) and viper (3 games).

    inst:  MissMissclick

      get blink deso <20 min. practice farmingwith the hero first. without items u r pretty much useless. then learn how to maximize refraction. dont tank creeps or u lose it fast. psi blades is just practice dood. maybe u need dragon lance if u keep fucking up ur meld lel

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        rice cake

          right, dragon lance seems the item to go


            I'm smurfing with TA now as we speak.
            In the case of items:
            start with a wraith band, 2 pulled tangos, iron branch, and a faerie fire
            5:30 7:00 minute mark: Bottle, Boots of speed, Aquila Ring, (Wand) - optional
            10:00 11:00 minute mark: Aquila Ring, Power Treads, Bottle, Blight Stone, Bottle TP!!, (Magic Wand) - optional
            14:30 16:00 minute mark: Aquila Ring, Power Treads, Bottle, Desolator, TP
            To the 20:00 minute mark: Aquila Ring, Power Treads, Bottle, Desolator, Dagger, Dragon lance TP
            This are your core items, after this items its optional and dependable what you build.. I usually upgrade my dragon lance into a Hurican Pike and then build Monkey King Bar, BKB, Deadalus, Linkens, Assault, Divane.
            Skilling her abilities is dependable:
            Two ways mostly use:
            1. Psi Blades - Refraction - Refraction - Psi Blades - Refraction - Psionic Trap - Meld - Refraction - Meld - Meld - Psionic Trap - Meld - Psi Blades - Psi Blades
            2. Psi Blades - Refraction - Refraction -Meld - Refraction - Psionic Trap - Refraction - Meld - Meld - Psi Blades -Meld- Psi Blades


              i cant explain everything now gotta go to ball practice add me on skype or smth

              casual gamer

                going deso before blink is usually the right answer imo

                push wave out and stack ancients several times, secure runes and maybe gank with haste/invis and sometimes dd. usually if u are only 1000 gold from deso u can kill ur ancients stack to finish it, it takes a while without the deso though

                any time u have deso and their team is distracted you can start on rosh iirc, idk if they nerfed it

                also with deso u rape ancients which is a huge increase in income. with deso and blink you are able to 2 shot supports if ur timing is decent. blink as close as possible if u fuck up meld. if the target is alone u can just meld and a-click

                just watch a high mmr ta player and u will see the flawless efficiency between stacking and clearing camps, fast item progression leading to them farming off their lower mmr opponents and roshan

                casual gamer

                  farming is more important than killing people in the super early game. the kills will come to u with fast items


                    stacking ancients plays a huge part in this


                      try getting blink first with a blight stone if you wanna fight early.

                      the realm's delight

                        ta in 2016 LUL

                        Este comentario fue editado

                          ta is getting small indirect buffs over time
                          yet i feel like she's worse and worse every patch but i'm not sure why


                            Stack Ancients, kill like a stack of 5 and get ur deso as fast as possible. You rape people with ur deso and u can rape their whole team,

                            get blink and BKB after fast.

                            Fight after u have deso

                            use E to harass and last hit

                            use Q to survive or get importnt last hits / tank ancients


                              deny with refraction

                              it does not consume the stack and it works with psi-blade


                                u win with TA by killing a lot of creeps and getting item fast