General Discussion

General DiscussionOverclocking high end Notebook GPU

Overclocking high end Notebook GPU in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    So apparently overclocking a high end notebook GPU by 15% literally makes the temperature go up by exacly 1 degree. What the actual fuck.

    Johnny Rico

      waith for 1 month and them you get +15°C, never overclock if you dont have a good way to dissipate the heat, notes are a no no for OC

      Giff me Wingman

        That's not how it works bruh.

        Giff me Wingman

          I have a notebook with a high end MXM graphicscard, meaning it has its own seperate cooler and airflow. I can overclock no problem, Clevo basicially copied the Asus Rog cooling system, which is pretty darn good for a notebook cooling solution.

          So there is no issue whatsoever with overclocking, if we were talking about a standard laptop with a chip in the mainboard, then R.I.P.