General Discussion

General DiscussionQuick cast

Quick cast in General Discussion

    Do you use it? Do pros use it?


      some do some don't

      most smart people use a mix of quick cast + normal cast.

      i have every item/skill slot on both quick and normal cast


        just cant get used to it at all. Only thing I use it is for tinker march but thats about it


          Well it's no longer possible to use a mix after valve removed the option -_-


            ^ ? I use mix


              I use quick cast on everything but 1 item slot, that way i can double tap my force or euls to selfcast very easily.


                Options>hotkeys>advanced hotkeys> enable advanced quickcast/autocast hotkeys


                  4 item slots on quickcast, 2 reserved slots for normal cast.
                  For hero, i put most of point target spells on normal cast and the rest on quick cast.

                  Riguma Borusu

                    If I need to cast something on myself often I don't use quickcast. For everything else, I do. Items 1,2,3 are quickcast, items 4,5,6 are not.


                      Try to use quickcast for most of your spells, it honestly will help you get kills, farm faster, and get away from kills. just always make sure for items that your tp or bots are never on a quickcast spot


                        use it on some heroes


                          use on blink dagger


                            I dont find quickcast useful. But some pro player prefer it much i think puppey used quickcast


                              Anyone who doesn't find quickcast useful needs a brain transplant.

                              I have all skills and 5 item slots on quickcast, only 1 slot is normal cast for double tap TPs.


                                ^kakaka dude brain transplant is so fucking absurd kakakakka.

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  When you get used to quickcast you are much less likely to fuck up certain combos if you have trouble with mouse-keyboard coordination, or hand coordination to begin with.


                                    Has anyone tried not using quickcast after using quickcast for ages? Honestly not having to click an extra time allows you to do so much more


                                      Quickcast wk. U only need to press one button the whole game ( doesn't count for items)


                                        wow guys i didn't know it was possible to use mixed xD now i can normal cast my tp scroll and save myself occasional embarassment


                                          I used mixed too.