General Discussion

General Discussionhow to get out from 1k mmr

how to get out from 1k mmr in General Discussion

    There is my dotabuff link.

    Do you guys think i can get out from 1k? im struggling so much my mmr is currently 1927.

    I need help on how to fix my plays, how to get out from 1k mmr, or tips how to climb or what heroes to spam.

    Thank you before guys !


      Learn how to play mid, learn how to farm, learn how to snowball. And you should be okay


        Just go for item and read ur enemy step and counter back
        This the best ways to win a match


          look, if you truly care about your mmr you will learn and practice.

          there's no set in stone way to get out of any mmr, not that i will tell you about :3, only and best way you can get out of any mmr hell is to practice and practice and practice till you git gud and then you'll win games

          once you git gud and learn, then mmr comes by itself.


            if i learn how to play mid would it really boost my mmr?

            and the thing is i have played 950 matches and 2000Hrs on DOTA im feeling kinda hopeless


              it's up to you to decide what role you want to play

              you can almost equally boost your mmr as any role.


                Try more pratice watch ur playback video and repair your weakness


                  Hi bro,

                  I think I can help you boost your MMR with my suggestions.
                  My own mmr in tbd was 3000 because I was the top mmr guy in my team and enemy's highest also had 3000 but in those days I did not care much about mmr.My friend even warned me that if I don't play seriously I will go down after few lose in TBD and that's what happened exactly when I received my MMR after 10 tbd party and solo matches and I think both of them came out to be somewhat around 2.4k but I boosted that MMR to 3.3k(both solo and party).
                  Since playing ranked matches require you to have atleast experience level 50(if I am not mistaken) in your steam ID but still I was able to play ranked matches(party only) through joining my friends parties whom were above 50 exp level.

                  So let me tell you my method of reaching 3.3k MMR from 2.4K MMR in just few days.Nowadays have exams and study issues.After 2-3 months hopefully starts playing ranked again and hopefully reach 4k MMR or even 5k MMR.

                  1:I am playing dota from like 2010 I think.I started in dota 1.Through my whole these 6 years dota experience I have learnt that dota is 5v5 game no matter how much good you play in your team because of your team's stupidity you might still lose most of the time.That's why since my dota 1 days I generally have this sort of distrust in my teammates though it does not mean I can't play team game if I find that my teammates are really good,cooperative and understanding players.

                  That's why I generally play mid role or those heros which are good for solo kills,tower and lane pushing etc(incase of winning game by doing rat).In mid you are 1vs1 which means you and your opponent gain more gold and exp than other 8 players if you manage to win against your opponent mid you can dominate their whole team because of your farm and level advantage(provided you don't feed them multiple time after doing good at mid).

                  Heros which are good for solo kills are[Invoker(both quas-exort and wex-exort though quas-exort is better),Tinker(burst item build),Alchemist(Old school dota 1 Hitter build),Legion commander,Templar assasin,Slark etc].

                  Heros good for pushing tower[#1 Tiny(with attack speed and scepter),Alchemist(Hitter build),Invoker,Tinker(only good for pushing creeps but very bad against destroying towers) etc].

                  I will suggest you to only play those heros in ranked games which you are very comfortable playing with.
                  I myself would only just pick alchemist(Hitter build) and go at mid would farm my armlet,mjolnr and shadow blade and only then would try kill attempts but even after those items I would still continue farming.By "attempting kills" I don't mean I would hunt for their heros.It is very good build for alchemist though unlike octarine,manta style,radiance etc which helps you to tank for your team this build is not for tanking alchemist rather it is for solo kills and even good in ganks though if they all 5 focus you you will easily die in 2 hits.In this build you should take following item into consideration per requirement for being super hitter Alchemist(armlet,shadow blade,Boots,Mjolnr,Assualt cuiriass,Mkb,Bkb,,silver edge,abysaal blade,moonshard ,hearts,scepter).

                  However I always say in the begining before picking phase begins that "I will go mid,if someone will go support hero for teamplay" if I see no one is interested in support I myself go support since 5 carries in team is very bad as low farmed carries are almost useless because in evey game after 10-13 mins carries also start jungling and then everytime when you go in jungle camps you will find those camps empty which cause carries to remain behind in farm,even in laning phase two carries of same team fight for last hits which cause many last hits to go waste.

                  When I play support I play support in a way that I generally babysit safelane carry and won't take last hits in lane,I only farm by pulling easy or hard neutral camps in lane.If I see that my absence is causing my carry to suffer in lane I will leave my farm and go to harass their offlaners,I also stay out of creeps dying range so my carry get maximum exp from creeps death.

                  You should learn these 3 heros for boosting your mmr (Alchemist hitter build,Sven safelane build with helm of dominator as a must to buy 1st item as helm dominated creep help you stack ancient which gives you very good advantage in farm and exp even than both team mid heros and Also Tiny rat build).

                  Don't forget to buy stout sheild and queling blade for all these 3 heros.Sometimes you might even need to upgrade stout shield to poors man shield for Tiny and Alchemist if you get too much auto click harass in your lane as these two heros have very poor armour.

                  I also played Invoker,Tinker(two of my most favourite heros) and few other heros also but my stupid team would cost me lose -25 MMR in late game because of their stupid moves.I am really good with these two heros.

                  Have 63% winrate and 15 consecutive win streaks with invoker and 42-5 highest kills in a match as Tinker on my ID(yet lost that match because of stupid team).

                  As I said Tinker is really bad against hitting towers I would team wipe their all or almost all heros even in late game yet my stupid team carry hitters would be farming jungle camps or taking roshan instead of taking advantage of absence of their core heros for 80 seconds and going for mega or atleast forcing buyback from their heros.That's why could not increase my MMR too much with Tinker.Invoker was still better as he have last hitting abillity i.e alacrity and forge spirits for destroying towers.

                  But still for boosting your MMR only if you learn these 3 heros(Alchemist,Sven and Tiny) you can easily boost your MMR by even 2k points easily.However it is probable that Alchemist hitter build get easily countered in majority games after 4k MMR but I assume till 4k people don't buy wards etc that much for countering shadow blade of alchemist hitter build.Oh,and don't forget dandalus is must to buy item in most games for sven.

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                    By the way,

                    I forgot to tell you another extremely important thing.You should have comfortable,easy to press hotkeys for your hand fingers,suitable mouse sensitivity(so you don't click at wrong spot while last hitting or denying creeps).Also make sure "Show tower range and Show neurtal spawn boxes" are checked in from settings and also other similar useful settings are adjusted according to your comfortability.

                    Furthermore,in dota you should have complete knowledge of items and heros' spells functions and also few other important stuffs like when creeps are spawned and at which time they reach which part of the lane etc and what is base attack time for different heros and what is day and night in dota and what are certain heros vision range in day and night etc.Many items or heros spells functions are not written completely in the game itself.Their complete information can be found in websites such as


                    Futhermore,also try to increase your knowledge about which heros or items counter which heros and items and which 2 different heros make good combination and which certain heros are bad against which certain heros.These sort of information can also be find in the above mentioned site to some extent.
                    However,certain other sites give even more complete information regarding this.You can search for them in google.

                    I hope it helps you.

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                      YES! PMA! PMA!
                      Learn mid, win it! Snowball! bla-bla-bla!
                      Dominate start, get top kda and/or hero dmg in your team every game!




                      And lost 80% games because of fckn feedfest and/or "carrys" with totally broken hands or brain

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                        Quas Wex Report

                          play less learn more


                            Since you like playing carry go create lobby and practice last hit. Dont buy quelling blade just buy 2 branch and boots. Learn to last hit properly. Dont auto attack just take the last hit and denied your creeps as soon as possible so the creep wave dont reach enemy tower. This is basic for carry if u can get 70+ then try to get 100 with item this time you do rotation to jungle.


                              If you want to win MMR at that stage, I can give you a few tips that I believe can lead you there ..

                              Focus on MAXIMIZING the good things.. Kills / Last Hits / Net Worth / Itemization / Choosing Fights Well /
                              Knowing When to Split Push / Knowing when to group up with your team / Staying Alive / Knowing when to rosh / Knowing when to smoke gank / having detection for wards and invis heroes / having TPs ready to help in fights / Knowing when to stack ancients or jungle creeps

                              And you also have to focus on MINIMIZING THE BAD THINGS..

                              Dying, not stacking (when its a good time to), not pulling, choosing poor item builds against your enemy heroes, not taking rosh, not having vision / detection , letting people die cuz u have no TP or mana in laning phase( when u couldve helped them live and killed the enemy with a quick TP reaction)

                              This alone can help you win games if you Execute them.

                              the best thing to do is watch the best players like miracle / arteezy / wagamama / sumail / ppd

                              and focus on what they do.,

                              EXECUTION is the key

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                                i mean im pretty good with last hitting even w/o Quelling Blade, i can hit 40 LH in 10 mins mark when playing safelane carry.

                                The problem is, example i got 15-20 mins BF now its time to jungle and BAM the camps are empty by ursa with only vlads and boots.
                                I always pick second or third but the last guy in my mmr always ruined it, And the guy is ursa. Then i go to lane and got ganked by 3 people. I realize no matter how hard i try 2-3 carries wont work. And i pick supp, what we got is 4 carries *facepalm*

                                Thanks for the advices, but it wont work with 2-3 carries which is happens every single game even if im playing supports not core.

                                mom said it's my turn to ...

                                  Walls of fucking irrelevant text luuuuul

                                  Not referring to you OP

                                  Walls of fucking irrelevant text luuuuul


                                    "i mean im pretty good with last hitting even w/o Quelling Blade, i can hit 40 LH in 10 mins mark when playing safelane carry"
                                    40 is not enough,sorry fam
                                    Aim higher and you'll push yourself more to reach it,get out of your comfort zone
                                    Not saying I'm way better than you but practice makes perfect
                                    Know that you're actually dogshit compared to 3k+
                                    Positive mental attitude
                                    Any role to spam is fine (I gained like 500 mmr by playing supports only,my friends called me crazy rofl)
                                    Your best hero is the best hero to spam


                                      Then dont pick carry. Pick other role that can help your team to win the lane.


                                        Or just learn unpopular heroes and wreck unsuspecting noobs
                                        Or just pick heroes that noobs doesn't know how to counter


                                          Oh yes, morph
                                          Shotgun, bam bam, dps, kda, win





                                          And then 5th guy picks huskar instead of sup and going to farm with you ez lane


                                          Good luck

                                          2k indog monkey

                                            I get your point AA
                                            It ain't easy to get out but it's possible if you have the skills and patience to do it


                                              try to play support role. bcus u always play carry rite. n try to spam 1 hero for the time being. spamming one hero will help u alot. trust me , u'll find what I mean when u spamm 1 hero. it just a suggestion.


                                                U should aim for 60 cs/10 min minimum if u are not harassed much.

                                                On avg game am has Pt + bf on 13-14 min mark.

                                                Good carry will always find farm. If someone is farming your jungle, go and farm enemy jungle. U have blink - u can escape, especially when u have manta.

                                                Besides I would not play team realiant heros like am, but eg. Shadow Fiend. With Shadow Fiend u can gank, push, farm, win game solo.

                                                2k indog monkey

                                                  What Lex said
                                                  Hell,I even force myself to get 65 in 10 min even in a harassed lane

                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                    wall of text as big as the banana beside me, only talks about stacking once and only about sven's dominated creep. talks about support, neglects to write about the importance of stacking not only for farming purposes, but also for creep/gold denial to offlaner.

                                                    i still respect a guy who has determination, just be sure to add all your points before starting write a book so that you wont miss important shit


                                                      So tell me how to get 60 cs at 10 mins with dual enemy offlaners and 1 ally carry on my lane as Anti-Mage

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                                                        I personally increased my MMR by 900 points from 2.4 to 3.3 in just few days.I would only pick Alchemist(hitter build only) for mid lane,if Alchemist is banned I go for sven safelane carry(must to buy item helm of dominator for stacking ancient creeps and dandalus for heavy God's strength crit),if sven is also banned I would go for tiny(tower rat build).

                                                        Ez MMR with alchemist spam.



                                                          You could have easily avoided reading my text if you wanted to,that long paragraph was written only for OP as he is going through very hard situation regarding his MMR apparently for a bit long time.So I wrote all important stuffs I could think of at that exact moment since dota is so fucking vast game with it's mechanical knowledge,tricks etc no one can remember every single important things at once.Still I wrote many important tips which can be greatly beneficial to many 1-3k MMR guyz.

                                                          It would be good if you also add your 50 cents here so OP might get a little benefit instead of critisizing some 1 whose post you have read for the first time in your life.



                                                            "So tell me how to get 60 cs at 10 mins with dual enemy offlaners and 1 ally carry on my lane as Anti-Mage"

                                                            1:starting items choice really matter.For example:stout shield(even poors manshield sometimes) against normal hitter heros or magic stick(against spammers like zeus,bristle back or phantom assasin etc).

                                                            2:After starting items your first item should be something which helps you stay in lane for example Ring of health,Morbid mask etc you might require to call another healing salve or a tango set before you are able to buy your ring or mask etc.

                                                            3:While creeping in lane only land the killing blows on enemy creeps and don't decrease enemy creeps hps and also deny your own creeps.Whenever your own creepwaves move forward don't just stand near your tower rather go to easy camp and pull it in lane so your own creepwave get denied by 1 or 2 melee creeps(you don't necessarily need to farm this jungle camp,rather you should go back to your tower as enemy creeps might already have reached near your tower.You should pull that enemy creepwave behind your own tower or move around your tower,don't tank all damage from enemy creeps as most heros can't do that,while creeping near your tower you might need to land 2 hits on enemy creeps as tower damage is greater than hero's damage in the begining one hit is for the killing below and one hit should be before killing below to make sure the creep hp is below your attack damage to secure the creep kill.

                                                            4:While creeping if their heros harass too much you can order your hero to attack their heros and immediately move your hero to save position.In this way their creeps will chase you for 2-3 seconds and will stop chasing you further.What it basically does is that it will move their creeps towards your hero and move your creeps towards enemy heros next time if their hero attacks you your creeps will start hitting their hero.

                                                            5:Many times you are 100% sure that you can land last hitting on their creeps or deny yours but you also know that by doing that you will drop your health by half,it is better to don't take these kinds of last hits rather let them take your creeps and miss their creeps since if you go for that last hit you will end up droping your hp which will make you hesistant to take next creep waves or end up feeding them your hero and wasting gold by dying.

                                                            6:Don't play noob around starting rune battles.You might lose your healing items even before creep spawns.

                                                            7:Whenever possible try to harass their heros and make them unable to harass you in the future(for e.g while playing tinker against mid sf you can do that by blinding him with your level 1 laser and trading normal hits since his hits will be missed for 3 seconds but yours will land on him,while playing antimage whenever the enemy creepwaves are finished you can blink on their heros and start hitting them and burning their mana and damaging a little or while playing slark you can do the same thing by staying in range and right after the enemy creepwaves are finished you pounce on their most vulnerable hero(even if you don't kill them you will make space for your own laning etc).

                                                            #828 nun wrong widdat ya ...

                                                              honestly you just gotta get good,
                                                              if you git gud, normal skill isnt a problem at all tbh
                                                              I would just rape everyone in normal skill



                                                                well you know i do stack ancients when i play sven my build will always PT Domi and Echo Sabre. The thing is i would stack it until 3-4 stacks. And someone would take my stacks because in my MMR there is always 2 or more carries.

                                                                And when i playing safelane i do understand things like controlling creep aggro, zoning, keeping creeps equillibirium but it's just not possible when there is 2 carries on your lane. One time when i rarely got support on my lane the support even take my last hit, he is not harrasing the opposite offlaner.

                                                                I always leaving the base with 2 tangos, 1 slave, and stout. sometime 1 tangos, slave, stout, and quelling blade.
                                                                and in lane i always buy ring of health first and then PT for more health and Att. speed. When i got those i started to do easy camp and sometimes the medium/hard one. But it just wont work because of many reason, the fail mid, feeder offlane, last hit taking support.

                                                                or sometimes when i go mid everything is on point with me, support wont buy wards. is that some kind of game that i can win by playing mid?

                                                                Btw, i will try that alche, tiny thingy.

                                                                and i got a question : when do you usually pick them? first ? or second ? or last?


                                                                  Or someone could give me a live advice or meetup training :o


                                                                    @NDR.LLJ you can add my id.My id number is 302798721.By the way I won't be active for 2-3 months because of university exams.We can play party MMR if you want.

                                                                    Furthermore,I would generally just pick alchemist as soon my team pick turns begin and would go mid.Very few games I waited for last pick and I would check my allies ids and if they had good history I would go support if their recent games were decent and had good xpm gpm last hits and few rampages and stuffs.

                                                                    Even if my support was not good enough it was still plus points for me since alchemist can easily buy wards because of his rich economy spell and supports can only steal last hits in lane but can't clear jungle camps easily.Since I was mid and generally only 1 go at mid so it was not my problem.Would buy ward,drop it and would tell them to fix it on respective spots.

                                                                    I would just buy 450 gold boots and would upgrade it to travel boots after my armlet,mjolnr,shadow blade and would tp any lane for clearing massive creepwaves or would travel in lane where gank is taking place(only if I was sure that I could help my team,otherwise would not disturb my farming rythym).

                                                                    By the way,you said "your supports take your last hits".Well then I think you require alot of last hit practice in bot matches since you play anti mage too much you should not let your support steal last hit from you specially if he is ranged hero(even ranged carries) only those stolen last hits excuse is justified if both of you are melee heros and he have greater base damage than your hero otherwise even then those last hit stealing can be avoided.Though I know it is very frustrating thing to fight for last hits with your lane partner.

                                                                    Carefully watch creep's hp,make sure your hero is not out of range and also check the incoming projectile hits that are coming from your range creeps,towers and ranged lane partner.Though it does require 100% concentration and good practice.And if you play ranged hero make sure to stand closer to dying creeps since it take time for ranged hero's hits to land on creeps(by decreasing distance it can be avoided to some extent).

                                                                    Although,above things can be avoided easily by going mid.Since no fighting with your lane partner for farm.

                                                                    I also sometimes was matched with stupid team with fives carries or greedy supports etc but not to the extent you are facing those games maybe because I started at 2.4k and you are still in 1.9k MMR.

                                                                    Generally my Alchemist spell build was 3rd>1st>3rd>1st>3rd>ulti>3rd>1st>1st>stun>ulti>stun>stun>stun>attributes>ulti

                                                                    and Item build was tango>queling>stout(upgrade to poorsman per requirement)>soul ring(for spaming acid)>450 gold boots>armlet>mjolnr(for fast farming)>shadow blade>travel> and next items would be anything amongst these items(moonshard,assualt,hearts,abysaal,mkb,bkb) and scepter for all 5 team heros after getting 6 slotted.Sometimes my alchemist would be extremely paper because I went moonshard instead of assault etc but that build was very good for farming further and pushing lanes and towers and solo kills and even ganks(although make sure that you don't initiate against their multiple heros or get focused by them in ganks if that is not possible then I would check which item I need the most if they have too many spell dmg or disables I would go bkb and if it is against phsyical dmg I would go abysaal and assault.



                                                                      When playing Alchemist mid make sure to spam your acid spray with its aoe positioned correctly some mid opponents are clever when you position it too much on his side he would just cross your own creeps and get out of its aoe and won't let you to reach creeps for last hitting in those cases just spam the acid in way that you only cover enemy creeps and rest of its aoe should be on your side since that way he won't be able to cross the creep waves and stop you from reaching creeps otherwise if opponent is not very intelligent just acid spam the fuck out of him and harass him back to his fountain.
                                                                      Make sure to check runes every 2 minutes while timer is getting close,don't spam your acid on creeps(you will loose the whole creepwave without getting exp advantage instead of just 1 creep death) rather go for top rune first then comeback.

                                                                      Furthermore,you can double stack hard and medium camp on both sides with your touch on 1 camp and acid on another camp.Its very good if you can't get farm at mid and will boost your farm even more even if you get good farm at mid.However,make sure stacking creeps don't delay your armlet beyond 7 mins if that is the case leave stacks and just farm at mid although do stack if you can't farm at mid.

                                                                      You can check youtube videos and information on internet about how to stack and double stack with alchemist.



                                                                        I saw one of your Alchemist games in which you were Alchemist mid vs skywrathmage.It was easy mid to be honest.
                                                                        Few mistakes I saw in that game were:

                                                                        1:Since you went bottle you should generally arrive at rune spots at every 2 minute marks.Since rune spawns at every 2 mins.If you don't hit the coming creepwave from enemy you will only miss 1 creep by the time you arrive back to mid from rune spot(2 creeps if you have few more friendlycreeps in your own creepwave).Generally,this still worth it because you might find gold rune which is very good farm for Alche and you won't be afraid to take next creep waves because of your low hp.You must have went for runes at every 2 minute marks.Since you bought bottle instead of soul ring you should have your bottle refilled always so you can spam your acid spray which is a very nice harass.

                                                                        2:You went poorsmanshield for no reason because skywrathmage was not giving you that much phsyical dmg rather he was spamming his first spell whose counter would be magicstick(if it was me I would not even go magicstick let alone upgrade it to magic wand-almost 500 gold loss) because that skywrath was not even giving you that much unavoidable damage.You should only step in river when creep hp is very low so you can take last hits and again go to high ground.

                                                                        3:You missed many initial 2-4 creepwaves because of your low hp.Neither were you calling a healing salve through corier nor were you using your ironwood branch and tango charges in intelligent way.If you cut ironwood branch tree with your tangos it will give you double healing as compared to the normal trees cut with tangos.A 110 gold healing salve does not cost more than 2-4 creepwaves missed.By the way those 2 initial ironwood branches were useless 100 gold waste for initial items because you did not use it with tangos for double healing.When the pros buy 2 tangos they generally buy it to use it with 2 tangos they take from their support which makes it work like 4 tangos(1 complete tango charge).

                                                                        4:While taking neutral and lane creeps after 8 mins just turn on your armlet and spam your acid then take those creeps for fast farming.Since you have ulti hp and mana regen should not be a problem(specially if you have soul ring instead of bottle you can stay full mana everytime.

                                                                        5:By the way,you said your cs is good but believe me that cs at mid lane was really poor.You missed too many last hits on creeps.Neither there was any friend hero taking your last hits nor sky was denying that much of your creeps.Buy queling blade for melee heros next time if you are not that much good in taking last hits.

                                                                        6:You also misplaced your acidspray many times.For example when their was only 2 creeps remaining you used it or you used your acid on their tower without any enemy creeps their and enemy creeps crossed that acidspray aoe and your creeps and enemy creeps connected at the river and all those acid spray burn aoe was on their tower and not on their creepwave and their mid hero.

                                                                        7:You can spam your ultia after level 6 and also your acid after armlet in lane and jungle creeps.Also make sure to get benefit of armlet damage while farming.Learn spamming toggling armlet on and off.

                                                                        Wish you best of luck.

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