General Discussion

General DiscussionIs PA imbalanced? Does she need a nerf?

Is PA imbalanced? Does she need a nerf? in General Discussion

    oh and its effing irritating when you tp to farm an empty lane on the minimap because you forgot pa doesn't appear on it :D


      @Positive Attitude Player :)

      Dats what i mean. i want that blur effect are cooldown based cuz even the pseudo-random element on her is kinda imbalance

      Hanamichi Sakuragi

        To people saying PA is a braindead hero. Do you even know how Psedu-random works?
        You are complaining to a shitty hero that should be good in late game but isn't even good?
        When I see PA on enemy team its ez mmr for me. The nerf on Arc Warden just recently was good.
        But any further nerfing to this trash tier hero will just be the end of PA.

        Dire Wolf

          Dagger is annoying just cus it's no skill spammable crap, but PA overall is kind of weak. Nerf dagger some and you have to buff her elsewhere.


            Lol, complaining about a hero that finally isn't complete crap, but still fairly crappy.

            Dire Wolf

              PA is like really good, getting stronger, oh man she just 1 shot me!!! then it's 30 minutes and your carry has mkb and she's dog shit. So yeah it just depends. When she snowballs on you it feels awful, but she's not that hard to counter. It's similar to tinker.


                Ah agree, nerf her dagger and buff her elsewhere. Gud gud.


                  I think she's pretty good at what she does but that doesnt mean she's broken she's just balanced

                  STE 8-1-8

                    I feel like dager needs a scaling cooldown to make it slightly worse early game but scales better.

                    Something like 12/10/8/6 or 14/12/10/8.


                      Is this some kind of rofl or what?


                        pick bristle back and laugh as PA tries to kill you

                          Este comentario ha sido borrado

                            I liked her better when she looked older

                            remember to drink water

                              No, yes, no, hero is not hard to deal with


                                I think she's fine. Had games where I've stomped with her, had games where I got shut down early or my team fed and had no space to farm or ability to snowball, had games where I got shutdown early but came back cause of good game sense or enemies not pressing their advantage, had games where I would have lost even when doing well but good supports helped salvage it.

                                In other words pretty balanced hero and you can see it reflected in her average winrate.

                                Pepe Julian Onzima

                                  no mates. PA needs a buff, not nerf, dagger is annoying, but cant deal much trouble, i guess hero can be playble only if she gets crit chance increased

                                  green brocolli

                                    I saw wagamama pick bs against miracle pa on twitch STRIM. he make bm and dagon and dumpster him

                                    Lets do Science

                                      Pa is a hero who's slowly being turned from a no trick pony to a one trick pony. The problem is in making sure that one trick is both A: worth picking her for and B: not ridiculously overpowered. One of the biggest problems of the Dota community is that it won't notice something is powerful enough until its gotten to pretty much uncounterable levels which then requires Icefrog to take a baseball bat to the heroes kneecaps that they usually never recover from.


                                        Okay so...

                                        PA + deso + slardar amp = 2700hp -> 0 in one dagger.

                                        Aegis down just like that.


                                          think they thread probably splits between normal and vhs depending on how fast you can farm mkbs/silveredges


                                            Shes retardedly OP


                                            And i dont even play her that much

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                                              Too many lategame counters for her to function well. She has to win the midgame or shes food

                                              M U R D E R

                                                in endgame rapier stacking is the only salvation :DDD 7k dagger crit good enough

                                                however there is a reason why Diffusal blade has 60-70% win rate on her, it nullifies silver edge break :P

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                                                  That doesn't work

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                                                  M U R D E R

                                                    yeah man sry i must have been delusional when using it on riki


                                                      just the dagger maybe. the effects from items can stay. crit damage should go down a little (only for dagger).

                                                      50 minutes into the game, my batrider got 1 hit KO by a dagger. sounds too much for a range attack.


                                                        Maybe her laning stage is going better with those dagger buffs but still she is so weak aganist any silver egde or mkb carrier and this make this hero very useless and weak. Hit her with silver edge she cant even hit a single crit for a long and nice time.

                                                        >name goes here<

                                                          She is not OP shes weak against magic damage, MKB and blademail. Try to compare Spectre late game vs PA or Medusa vs PA and you will see who is more OP here.
                                                          Every hero in dota is countered by another heros for example axe with blademail and blink can stop PA or Zeus also is bad for PA.
                                                          1st skill on PA si quiet good now in lanning phase you can harras and farm.
                                                          PA is good against ranged heros like Sniper.


                                                            this is like the arc warden thread, people thought arc warden was too op and they wanted to remove him
                                                            pa is not op, she's easily shut down by mkb, so pick troll or any other natural mkb carrier
                                                            if ur going late game and u r carry, it should be easy to build mkb
                                                            but the dagger does need a SMALL nerf, i mean for a support you could just get instakilled by the dagger with a crit


                                                              id be happy if they just removed the mana decease from higher levels of dagger.


                                                                holy crap, pls stop saying get blademail, mkb whatever magic damage, it's about dagger one whom she has thrown almost killing them with one dagger? my team on wr and wd got one shot killed by that freakin dagger


                                                                  sorry but, axe can't defeat pa alone, blademail, axe's Berserker's Call either has cooldown, it's already obvious that heroes like spectre, medusa will dominate pa in the late game, i lost a few times to spectre, my team was doing good but tablet turned around to radiants side in late game. Troll, Slardar can definitely kill/counter PA or even PL, Doom?

                                                                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                    I agree. Stiffling Dagger need to rework.

                                                                    Although, early game if you build wand and PMS you can survive the early dagger harassment (but still hurt if it crit).

                                                                    Atleast make the crit damage lesser.

                                                                    PA Crit is scale at 220/330/450% of damage.
                                                                    Dagger crit damage should be half, maybe 160/215/270% damage.


                                                                      pa is fine, drow needs a nerf

                                                                      Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                                                        Drow's aura maybe nerfed on her allies?
                                                                        Anyways stop this thread they might really nerf PA like how Arc got nerfed.

                                                                        >name goes here<

                                                                          last update:
                                                                          Phantom Assassin's Stifling Dagger no longer counts against Phantom Strike.
                                                                          Is not a nerf


                                                                            I'm a 1k scrub player, and I don't think Pa is that bad. If you play around her correctly you can deal with it. I've found playing Slardar, and building a blink and echo sabre can absolutely melt her.

                                                                            casual gamer

                                                                              I hope they just make drow aura only affect people in 1800 radius or smth, nerf to her ability to autowin other lanes while still having the same ability to push and win fights