General Discussion

General DiscussionOracle best hero

Oracle best hero in General Discussion
Mode adiman

    Use ulti teammate lives .Nice hero OSFrog


      it wont back damage from physical
      but it destroys the damage from magical like zeus invoker just use W after R and he is alive

      it also removes things like bres ulti bat lasso


        When should I get aghs on Oracle? I usually get Oov regen and courier at start, then arcane boots. Next is usually blink. If I feel like it will be a quick game it will be GG boots and skip blink. If not then I get euls and then Greaves.

        Should I skip mek/greaves and go aghs?


          always go greaves cause mekka on oracle ulti is doubles and its 500 hp not 250

          dont go agh
          go aether go cyclon or force

          registered flex offender

            echo Saber into battlefury


              ayy lmao

              When should I get aghs on Oracle? I usually get Oov regen and courier at start, then arcane boots. Next is usually blink. If I feel like it will be a quick game it will be GG boots and skip blink. If not then I get euls and then Greaves.
              Should I skip mek/greaves and go aghs?

              probably never
              kinda greedy, you're better with going glimmer/force/(lens if you're confident)

              i dunno i was discussing stuff with 6k oracle spammer and he told me that he thinks that mek is kinda overrated and you can have it on someone like tide/dark seer from offlane, much faster too - and you get much more value with glimmering and force staffing people around
              on the other hand mekarazium would probably go mek every game and it's also far easier to get from the small components i think


                thats somewhat untrue i think, oracle can get lots of kills early game due to the nature of his flames that you need to use it to ks and as such get a early mek. But who knows ive never played oracle a single time except in overthrow

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                    thats somewhat untrue i think, oracle can get lots of kills early game due to the nature of his flames that you need to use it to ks and as such get a early mek. But who knows ive never played oracle a single time except in overthrow

                    it's quite easy to get 10 kills in first 15 mins
                    but it's often game losing even when you get that early mek

                    but everyone in 4k is retarded so who knows
                    people might take advantage of early mek but i wouldnt get so many kills in higher mmrs