General Discussion

General Discussioni have a 75% winrate in party queue (mostly duo queue) and I have abo...

i have a 75% winrate in party queue (mostly duo queue) and I have about a 5% winrate in the past 20 solo queue games in General Discussion


    5.1k party mmr i play vs. anywhere from 5-7k almost every game. people tell me i play like 6k (i don't even ask them to rate me they just say i play really good)

    and yet im losing every single solo queue game for the longest time. at this point I'm not even sure what to think.

    I almost want to just grind out 200 games and see if I make it to 1 mmr


      like i actually dont fucking udnerstand

      my last solo queue win is this game - apparently i have to perform this well every game to deserve a win....

      and here's an example of me playing in a 5.2k avg game (party queue)


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      casual gamer

        try not getting matched with FrankTuo the shittiest jug in the entire world


          idk if u r trolling but i just did...

          im pretty sure i killed it that riki game, but my whole team is useless???


            i counted out my last 20 solo games.

            5W 15L


            i think im just going to grind solo queue now only.


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                ^ nice win streak



                  got my 7.4k friend to play my acc and see what happens.

                  holy shit did he have to work hard to win... he almost lost too if he made 1 more mistake...

                  im actually still convinced my acc is cursed.

                  7k almost lose in 4k bracket LUL?



                    Have you tried smurfing? Maybe your account is cursed but you're not
                    Since you're actually decent we won't see a "predik me mmr hao to vhs" from you


                      i dont want to make a smurf...


               I said before I have to pull magical performances out of my ass to win any game. Even playing at 1k has been a struggle to win some games.


                        Livin' Real Good

                          Yeah, some games are like that when playing ranked. It's not fair huh? For you to have to play out of your mind just to barely win, while your teammates (most of the time, cause everyone, EVEN YOU AND ME has bad games) can play AWFUL, and still get the +25. lol


                            But the thing is
                            The teammates that you carry will eventually lose their next few games because they're just that dogshit

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                              Ask ayumilove to coach u lul


                                mb u r just overestimating urself, at least thats the first thing i would think for myself if i was in the same situation

                                Positive Player


                                  You ok, dude?


                                    If you get matched with a pro that stinks cause most are normally practicing Heros on stream , so they gonna pick the hero no matter what, some are good like Aui morph


                                      ^im not sure where u got this from, but its not true.


                                        i have same problem my solo mmr was 4545 and same for party but now im solo is 4k bcuz i did flame alot and blame my teammates which is very wrong so u should watch ur match replay to figure out why u really lost no one has 100% winrate u cant win every game and sometimes u have a cancer game which u cant win however


                                          yo Marlan im interested in the last ursa game that you won , i tried downloading replay with ID but it didnt work?? ( since this new update & new scoreboard i have troubles downloading replays ) but from what i can see you jungled ursa & got a 2 min morbid mask & 6 min aegis , im rlly interested to watch the game to learn ursa jungle mechanics. ik its out of context tho

                                          casual gamer

                                            ive actually been matched with acc/boost buyers 5 times at least this week. ive heard the enemy team complaining about it too. full page loss, scroll down 15 wins with huskar in a row type shit

                                            hey if you buy a 5k account and deboost it down to ur natural 2k ur wasting my fucking time when I get matched with ur delusional ass

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                                              which game r u talking about

                                              < blank >

                                                The quality of your threads are going downhill


                                                  aimstrongs right



                                                    im just losing my mind

                                                    but im ok now.

                                                    im just gonna grind solo since i havent really grinded much solo

                                                    i have like 20 game sin the past months.

                                                    so im on road to either 6k or 3k

                                                    and i kill myself if i get to 3k


                                                      it wont DL cuz its 2 old btw

                                                      i buy mango+tango+stout

                                                      go choke point jungle

                                                      u should be able to buy morbid pretty fast.

                                                      spam ur W once ur levle 2 and use ur mango when ur out of mana

                                                      if ur out of mana but ur not close to morbid yet, just buy something else like boots and suicide.

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                                                      Da Vinci

                                                        marlan is shit


                                                          ^ yea im considering the only way this is possible is if im actually deserving of 1 mmr and im afflicted with a severe case of dunning kruger....

                                                          so yea i dont think you're wrong

                                                          Da Vinci

                                                            NA LUL



                                                              alright i guess i just play morphling.

                                                              #roadto6k guys