General Discussion

General DiscussionRumors about reports being bugged, 1 report can count as 3?

Rumors about reports being bugged, 1 report can count as 3? in General Discussion

    Post game screen is bugged so people can report players with all 3 reasons possible (feeding on purpose, ability abuse and comunication)

    Is that true? I was Low priority 2 days ago now I'm low priority again lol.

    Edit: Heard it's the same for commends aswell, 1 commend counts as 4.

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    Pale Mannie

      I can report people twice by restarting dota again


        oh, it's true, it's damn true


          Well if it's true it should be fixed if I'm correct, should I play the 5 LP games or should I wait till they fix it and remove the Lp games?

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              even if they fix it. i doubt they would bother removing current lp games. best to just play them.


                They removed LP games 2 times so far, both happend to me.


                  I got fucking lp for winning 3 games in a row the other day I turned on dota and I had fucking lp even tho I fucking carried these games like wtf LUL how can I get lp after these games xD I was AM in both


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                    What if enemy team reported you, they should make enemy team reports invalid, they can report you because they're mad you stomped them, happend multiple times to me, was playing 5 stack pudge and I got LP after the game means someone in enemy team reported me.

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                      Yeah but its pretty minor this time - wasn't the last time something to do with dodgy servers and abandons?


                        ^ It all happend after they added the new end score screen, reports and commends were bugged since then.


                          Still, if you were one of the 77% of players with 0<3 reports you wouldn't be in LP. It sucks for you and I hope it gets fixed but there's a lot of people in LP right now who do deserve it even if there is some collateral damage.


                            Well as we all know 4k bracket is cancer, people feed theirselves and usually end up reporting the carry/mid player that's why I'm in LP.


                              you can report a guy 3 times.
                              I reported one fuckface 3/4 times
                              First I reported him during the match for inappropriate language, and then after the game I restarted dota and reported him 3 more times instant low priority. I always have 5-6 reported cause I know how to use them, and yes its broken


                                ^ lmfao it sounds hilarious if you do it to some other kid but then when it happends to yourself RIP.


                                  I got like the worst player summury ever
                                  8 reports in 7 matches ROFL


                                    in 7 matches there's 9 other players, 7 x 9 = 63 players in total and you got 8 reports, that's not bad lol that's good.

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                                      everyone's getting low priority these days




                                          eks dee dee ROFL


                                            I'm sure enemy team is reporting me now


                                              afeect did i ever play with u in solo q when u were on ur smurf?


                                                no I haven't played much tbh


                                                  tell me if we accidently queue together
                                                  no need for conspiracy cz i already found ur acc xD