General Discussion

General DiscussionRemove hero?

Remove hero? in General Discussion

    If you could remove 1 hero from the game? What hero would that be?


      it would be this thread


        Tiesto huh? oh well 2006 was just around the corner




            the concept of techies doesnt fit this game very well imo


              his so different from all the others heroes in all aspects speaking :)


                hes not only just different, hes also making each match he's part of boring, both for his and for the other team

                The Robot Devil

                  Techies. I've hated every match with him in it, regardless of team, and I hate playing him too. Would always ban him if he was played more. Horrible, game ruining, troll enabling. Don't let the door explode you on the way out, pendejo.


                    Would be clinkz for me i just dont like rats



                      the realm's delight

                        earth spirit


                          Slark definitely


                            riki martin



                              mom said it's my turn to ...

                                Teemo used to be a hero concept suggestion in dota allstars forum and if he were in this game instead of lol now, would you want him gone? Is he really that bad?

                                casual gamer



                                    I guess techies but I am down to keep all heros .


                                      Techies, made me waste 160 minutes of my life playing against that hero


                                        I actually have no problem with techies just buy and early gem every time i play vs that heroe and stomp :D


                                          get a gem and queling blade or a bunch of tangos and counter that hero easy


                                            Ethereal manta strat techies counter


                                              PA to be removed
                                              Not saying she's OP but her skillset is just a joke
                                              2 percentage based skill (ye ye PRD but its not like you will control or care about your crit or miss chance in x procs anyway)
                                              Two simple targetted spells
                                              Hero needs to be reworked or just removed


                                                Everyone will agree techies. Apart from techies I think naga games are really boring too. Maybe not remove naga but rework naga.


                                                  pa techies morph slark arc riki io sf

                                                  Riguma Borusu


                                                    Vem Comigo

                                                      so many noobs dont liek techies

                                                      NEMOJ GAAAA HRPO


                                                          Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

                                                            ^ haha this 1 game did really hurt you No?


                                                              Right now it's drow ranger...


                                                                Techies, no doubt


                                                                  Arc Warden.

                                                                  Hatsune Miku

                                                                    remove necro

                                                                    M U R D E R

                                                                      Balanar (afraid of the dark)

                                                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                                                        That would be Techies but I do love playing Techies at the same time.. But I do see why people hate him.


                                                                          every hero

                                                                          i'd like dota only from creeps

                                                                          Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                                            earth spirit I guess

                                                                            cuz I just don't like him

                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              Techies easily but he's never picked now so for a hero who is actually picked id say anti Mage. Just generally annoying to support him and just as annoying to have to lock him down on opposing team.

                                                                              stupid fuck 2000

                                                                                remove enemy ancient pls



                                                                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf


                                                                                    He makes games so boring.

                                                                                    Fee Too Pee

                                                                                      Why huskar bro :( that hero is manly as fuck man.
                                                                                      Remove axe pls that blademail + call is cancer


                                                                                        Arc matha fuckin' Warden
                                                                                        And maybe Techies, because his kit is ridiculous

                                                                                        BSJ. LGD

                                                                                          I'd remove techies fuck that hero


                                                                                            Ez techies



                                                                                              Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                                                                I agree with TripleSteal, doesn't fit in the game, because he would be a kind of "support" but it doesn't. Part of his efficiency depends on luck.
                                                                                                Also Is annoying as fuck.

                                                                                                Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                                                                                  You've all been playing Techies wrong.
                                                                                                  Techies is a good mid, I'm not lying.
                                                                                                  If you've practiced last hitting it's easy to last hit with Techies on mid along with a follow up mine to harass your enemy mid.
                                                                                                  Techies has high base armor, he doesn't get punished by ganks, harasses, and trades.
                                                                                                  Techies can suicide after spending all your worth on your lane to kill your enemy mid and restart.
                                                                                                  Get Bottle, Soul Ring, and Raindrops. 14 minutes Force Staff allows you to kill the enemy mid with 4 Ulti Bombs.
                                                                                                  You can farm fast after lvl 6 because of your 1st and ult. When they start buying sentries that's the time you buy a Quelling Blade and Sentries. After 14 mins they will realize they need gem and you already have Force Staff. Fog your bombs on highground, in between lanes, runes, jungle, and predict every single one of their escape routes. When they running low life and they step on 5 mines will kill them. Buy Aghanims if you have no problems whatsoever, however, if they have like 200 sentries around the map you buy Necronomicon 3. Enemy team focusing you because of your 10 second aoe finger of death? Look no further other than buying a Euls.
                                                                                                  Along with a Scythe, they will be standing still for a solid 14 seconds. Enemy team overcommitting for you? Force away and instantly place a Ravage Mine for them. Still having problems? Aether Lens will ensure your safety. Techies is 4 in 1, QoP, Tidehunter, a free Bloodstone and aoe Dagon, and a Lion with Aghanims. Now go forth, play Techies and spread the cancer.
                                                                                                  No but seriously he can be good for some situations, if played correctly, good thing about playing him correctly is, his potential is achieved without the enemy reaching your highground tier 3s.


                                                                                                    normal skill, 3k, giving advice,
                                                                                                    im outta here

                                                                                                    Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                                                                                      @Robin It's humor, but if you consider it advice, sure.
                                                                                                      Besides that, know the difference between HS and NS.