General Discussion

General DiscussionTips for clinkz

Tips for clinkz in General Discussion

    I'm going to spam him for a bit and see how well I can do, going offlane because I am in 2k bracket so I believe that would be easiest.
    My skill build is 1-4-1-1
    Items are treads, ring of Aquila, deso, diffusal and anything after that situational.
    Any tips for the hero though, best ways to play him, hard counters and who he's best against.


      Best against? Heros with no escape. Almost every supp should have a bad time vs clinkz. As for his counters, I personaly hate PL, but it really depends on your team. Clinkz is best in mid game couse you can gank easy with skeleton walk at 500ms. Ez to create space, but usually cant end alone (if you are fed enough, you can :D). And as for items aquila treads are fine, then sometimes its good to go soul ring or medalion into solar crest or situationaly if oponets have much escape/stuns so you cant ez solo kill you can go orchid which is awesome. Deso is a must, diffu not so much. Then you can go bkb/mkb/sheep stick/daedalus/finish bloodthorn(pls dont rush this shit) it really depends on what you want to achieve, hows your team and shit. And you can alwqys go blink if you can utilize it. But I dont play clinkz that much anymore so this might be a little out of date. Meh.


        wouldnt recomend u go offlane clinkz dust stun or ppunce and what u gona do?


          Can be good against morphling, if you can get ur orchid before he gets linken's. You should play him if you get a dual partner in the offlane (so you can farm somewhat freely) or safelane. Clinkz is pretty much useless if he doesn't get any farm. I played some clinkz games on my smurf, and he is actually kinda strong

          doc joferlyn simp

            bristle just fucks up clinkz so hard

            you need a way to break his passive, or insane amount of farm to burst him down in his face

            if he can drag the fight on you wont be able to deal with his bristles, and if he has detection like hes supposed to, hell be able to catch up to you with goo

            most of the time ppl dont have detection so its a stalemate tbh, you cant burst him he cant catch you

            M U R D E R

              You must buy diffusal or at least hurricane pike early (probably both) if you want to win against bara... unless you are going to 5 man non stop (suggesting which in below 4k is ludicrous) and no splitpush. I'd only buy orchid against storm or morph and other heroes of the kind (and buy it fast) but its personal preference.

              Este comentario fue editado

                Aquila isn't enough mana regen. You need a real mana item for Clinkz

                M U R D E R

                  ^soulring and pt is all u need imo