General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy people hate playing support?

Why people hate playing support? in General Discussion

    pretty sure 100% of the people that claim they play core only cuz they see other cores being garbage are terrible at core and even worse at support and worse still they have some perceived superiority over the ppl they play with

    i have to say 100% because if i say 99% and exclude myself and other peoplew ho throw games if i lose interest in the first few minutes then people start saying that theyre some special case when in reality ur not.

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      Position 4 is the most fun position. Solo offlane most of the time FeelsBadMan.


        offlane is insanely fun to play dunno what ur talking about

        trashing retard supports and safelaners in every game never gets old.


          just earn 8 commends from my past 2 games as support


            Nice abandon Kid rekt.


              People complain abt support. I only hate solo supporting. When u have a support buddy u can split warding and support items FeelsGoodMan. Tbh support can be rlly fun when u get gucci saves, and i got 1 of my 2 rampages as cm. enemy team has 5 ways to interrupt channel, but somehow i get of freezing field and get that rampage.


                Offlane is ez in my ns bracket cuz they just push the wave all the way and r trash at zoning.


                  supporting right is hard (most people don't have the knowledge and won't bother to learn). supports win the game from behind the curtain, no visible glory like top kills/GPM/etc. but hey, i'd rather be a solo support rather than picking another core. it's a shitty job but someone gotta do it. just keep the least idiot carry alive and you'll get a better chance of winning; like siractionslacks said.

                  casual gamer

                    offlane it feels like the enemy offlaner never does anything so its easy to have more impact and win games


                      I play supports, but don't really like that in my solo games that much, since after you notice that your carries don't know how to farm even half properly and as a support you can't carry the team in the late game... You can throw your spells around, but rarely is that enough in the late game.

                      If your safelane Sven gets under 90 last hits in a 50 minute game, there's not much you can do. The safelane carry should be the one who mops out the enemy team, but with no farm, that is just not the case... That's why I hate playing support in the shit tier.

                      As a support in the shit tier, you have to make your impact in the early game to enable even the idiot no skill carry to get enough farm to do his role.


                        i used to play alot of sups, until i get like 5.5k, then i stop supporting, especially when im playing with 4k brackets

                        casual gamer

                          ^^ metsis yeah but im pretty sure if you put me in ur games i would have huge winrate as support because id be 5/0/6 by 15 mins every game and can just get aghs on oracle and kill everyone myself lol

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                          lm ao

                            Can you coach me regarding my game sense? I get games where I go 12 kda and some where I play like complete garbage. I'm ok with my mechanical skills, but I honestly just want to improve my macro.

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                            its gonna be fun

                              playing as a support its like we have a pet (our carry), we feed them, make them grow faster till become a monster, and let them kill the enemy on mid and late game,..

                              Este comentario fue editado

                                Lol support playing is the better than playing carry when you are still learning dota 2

                                M U R D E R

                                  ^^ metsis yeah but im pretty sure if you put me in ur games i would have huge winrate as support because id be 5/0/6 by 15 mins every game and can just get aghs on oracle and kill everyone myself lol

                                  yea and your carries are gonna be poor as fuck cause they can't lasthit, eventually you'll end up with a 600 gpm lion and wont be able to end the game by yourself, and think "why did i not pick antimage" :DD joke it's only that way below 3k so doesn't really happen much to me anymore. it's that way for metsis though.

                                  Lol support playing is the better than playing carry when you are still learning dota 2

                                  since when? you know how hard it is to hold your own as a 300 gpm support against 700 gpm hard carry? unless by learning you mean literally just started playing dota.

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                                  Preap Sovath

                                    I don't hate to play support but I think the one who hate to play as support loves to be MVP.


                                      ^Supports can be the mvp's of the game, they just don't get recognize or credited most of the time which is why ppl tend to play core roles

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        supports carried this game, but this is what your team needs to look like. They solo offlaned void so I could mostly solo top on razor. We put jug mid cus they had magnus mid, and sky and omni just wrecked their safelane with lion rotating in. Sky started like 7-0-5 or something. We had plenty of wards and our supports were rich as fuck. The game was never that close, we just fucked around late and took a couple fights we shouldn't have and let np backdoor us at the end cus we were getting megas and didn't care, but they weren't ever that close.

                                        So support can be fun, but too often you're team will pick like Am or spectre, you'll have to babysit them with no chance of killing the offlane or worse they dual offlane some cancer like sky + omni and you can't do anything, then your team picks a jungle np or some shit and you're 5 spot all game and poor as fuck.


                                          @Dire Wolf
                                          Support Sniper carried this game:


                                            I'd like to play support but the problem is i can only spam CM XD. Its really nice if your carry is auto-cast rightclicker and u can provide global mana regen even while u afk. Rest of other hero support that i can use is for situational depending on enemy draft


                                              pos 4 i reckon is best cuz u can wreck the enemy's carry and harrass. and the good thing is that most sub 2k players cant deal with harass. imo undying is probably the best for this