General Discussion

General DiscussionI need Meepo's advice

I need Meepo's advice in General Discussion

    -Laning(middle or safe?)
    -What to do if countered
    -How to recover from being outfarmed

    I just want to improve :)


      - mid
      - a good meepo is un-counterable
      - doesn't matter
      - you outplay them, like i said it's impossible to hero-counter an actual meepo player.
      - don't play meepo if you can't farm.


        Meepo's advice: "Stahp."

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          @cookie nah. Im not that so good on meepo . im just starting practicing him . sometimes im getting hard times in laning, like range heroes that keep harassing , but i know that i can improve how i play :)


            @Snu Cant. ROFL


              For the first time i dont agree with coockie cos its not true. He is one on the eziest counterable heros in game.

              What cookie says is that Abed is uncounterable. We are not Abed so isnt cookie.

              Laning as u prefer - safe is more reliable.

              Enemies: n1 Sven, good ww, team oriented on chrono - but that counters any hero. Its annoying to play against a good es or invoker, since u cant buy bkb but u can bait with manta build.

              U should not be countered since u should pick last. Same goes for huskarr.

              If u are underfarmed skip dagger for dragon lances and buy dagger after comback. If u dont comeback its a lose already.

              Ps. U counter hard meta morphling. Also its easier to play without a jungler so u can farm with primary meepo and stack with the second one for 11-12 min pt+scepter.

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                What cookie says is that Abed is uncounterable. We are not Abed so isnt cookie.

                your job is to surpass abed!


                  Go watch abed/w33/toenail
                  Abed probably best to watch
                  Notail always gets bottle abed skips it to talon bots aghs then double lance and blink

                  Im starting to learn it and as cookie said it to me, imma say it to u
                  Instapick meepo and let them pick whatever counter, ull get better way faster this way than last picking

                  Also for the farm/efficiency/blikn poof go watch pro plays then play some bot matches and try to do the farming pattern, see what they do when they have each number of meepos (i.e 2: @lvl1 ulti meepo num one lane two stack or one lane two back to base them switch place)


                    l o l

                    Full Давай

                      the only true counter of meepo is force staff

                      La Lumière

                        -Mid is good
                        -Good blink q from axe is gg for meepo. And so is sven. Lich is not that bad (cookie I stupid)
                        -Dazzle (nuff said)
                        -Just go for pickoffs on supps. And don't immediately go in on teamfights. Just bait them and wait for low enemies.
                        -Just keep farmin'. Or go for pickoffs if you at least have blink.

                        Giff me Wingman

                          -Laning(middle or safe?)
                          -What to do if countered
                          -How to recover from being outfarmed

                          Timber, Sven, Wyvern
                          Good silencer = autowin, other than that dazzle, jugg.
                          Splitpush and hope enemy are braindead
                          You don't ever get outfarmed, EVER. If you do, you lost, no coming back.


                            How tf does keep get outfarmed? Maybe am but that's it tbh. Luna maybe? Just watch pro meepos they know more than me. From what I hear the build is talon, bots, aghs, lances, blink, eblade, then skadi or heart or hex. I guess bloodthorn against pa, but u can burst her so easy so I dunno.

                            Vem Comigo

                              - mid
                              - never pick against a lich, earthshaker,winter, sven, and sk.
                              - passives that can buff the team are pretty good with meepo
                              - secure roshan and go push.
                              - you wont get outfarmed, after you get your third meepo send 2 into jungle and micro between jungle and lane, after aghs you can safelly farm your whole jungle at the same time, send 3 to kill the acients + hard camp and 1 mid and 1 safe.


                                Both jugg and luna are creeps for meepo. Their ult dmg is spread between 3k hp meepos. Jugg cant escape even under bladefury effect cos of geostrike. Only escape for luna is pike. Bkb doeasnt work againt meepo cos his slow bkb piercing makes u crawl.

                                Haha hook and ... i would like to see you doing that lmao. U watch too much w33

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                                Vem Comigo

                                  i play like that lex, after i get lvl 3 ult i have vlads and send the main one + 1 to clear the 2 camps near mid, while i last hit mid.
                                  Them after aghs i go jungle and clear all camps alone, while my team gives me space to do so, like trade the enemy safelane, i leave jungle and push 2 lanes while farming for my skadi on anciets and hard camp.
                                  between 18-25 (aghs > skadi) i mostly farm jungle and push some lane.


                                    i am not amazing at meepo, however, it is all about the hotkeys. Farming with meepo is pretty simpe once you get the hang of it. I would say play some overthrow with meepo till you can start getting kills, then play ranked and shit on kids fam


                                      Vlad's on meep lol. Why do u need lifesteal when u can buy bots and just heal ur meepos up with poof and travel


                                        You can get outfarm specially if you have team mate jungler, cause when I play Meepo as soon as I get my Boots of Travel I stay in jungle as soon as I get my Aghs which is around 13-15 minutes. Counter heroes that rapes Meepo most of the time are Sven, WW, SK (In Early) or could be Ember Spirit that is farmed. Best advantage of farmed Meepo is he can clear all the creeps in 3 lanes in just few seconds same with the jungle and still the highest DPS with heroes and towers.

                                        Vem Comigo

                                          Vlads so you can rosh early on, 3 meeps and vlads can rosh with no prob


                                            Oh makes sense now


                                              vlads meepo LUL


                                                Why does it say 3 middle in ur last meepo game


                                                  go mid lvl 3 double poof the go stack M or L camp and farm them i was able to hit 90 cs in 10 min missed few on lane but dont pick him against sven or ww also good lc can be lit bit hard lich or es wont counter good meepo but can be annoying to play against and you cant recover your aim is to get farmed at 20-25 min BoT aghs blink 2x dragon lance or just go for hex instead and finish game around 30-35 min

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                                                    @Hook NEVER get vlad for meepo, each meepo only hit for like 2 times to kill a hero so its not gonna heal much does it, u poof to kill creeps anyway so no lifesteal from them, even for rosh its useless roshan attacks to 1 meepo, send it back to base and poof it back, buying it just for roshan with 3 meepo will only delay your agh and blink also Lich is not really a counter to meepo unless you are braindead at micro, earth shaker is just annoying because its hard to escape from his chain stuns but thats every heroes problem not meepo in particular. i feel bad for players who pick earthshaker to counter me. Meepos have %35 magic resistance fyi.
                                                    yes meepo has so many counters but the only time u should not pick meepo is when enemy team has sven no matter how good you are. you can deal with others (ember ww lich sk es) with no problem if you master it they will just annoy you

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                                                      you should go mid with meepo, not any other hero has lvl 3 kill potential most of them rely on their lvl 6 ulti. leave safelane to a better carry, you need exp fast, every meepo player will agree that if it goes to late game than there is something wrong. You dont send clinkz to safelane do you? same thing, you cant say clinkz is a carry just because he right clicks


                                                        Mid meepo is extremely situational as the pick itself. Mid meepo fails to most midders. I dont know on what bracket are u playing, let me check....

                                                        Ok normal skill and 3.5 k.
                                                        Parte me myself I stormed through 3k to 4k just by playing meepo, cos people have no idea how to play against it there.

                                                        Its extremely difficult to farm mid with meele hero in higher brackets against eg. Timbersaw, Storm Spirit, Arc Warden. Its the safiest to go mid against a Quop, Invoker, Pudge(but people never mid with pudge on my bracket), maybe kunkka, alchemist and thats it.

                                                        on 4.5-5k people know that your net has very small range and high casting time so they wont get stupidly cought into the net and keep their position safe. Imo most of the time its better to go safe to secure your farm if your meepo pick counters all of enemy picks.

                                                        Meepo is especially good against meta morphling what ive mentioned before.


                                                          Mid meepo is quite hard actually in mid-high mmr(around 4.5k), because your supports don't really understand the importance of helping you dominate mid and your opponent can't be easily tricked to give you some kills. That's why I only play him as a carry now.

                                                          IMO, The best way to go at the moment is rushing BoTs and get Iron Talon maybe and start aggressive farming once you have them to stack up on some aghs and dragon lances. You can do some fighting, but only when you are very likely to get kills and don't die. Your team will need to create some space, though. Even if they lose some fights while you farm its worth it. Go win a fight once you have DL and aghs, get rosh after, get rax after.


                                                            Thanks for all of your responses. Btw this is just a smurf and i'm currently sitting at 4k bracket. So now, i decided to play him as a mid as i really played as. The only thing that i hate when i'm playing meepo is a good Invoker, that kept Right-clicking on me, so thats the reason i cant farm properly, So that can lead me to 7-10 mins BoTS. And in addition is KOTL and TH i really hate them in some reasons. So, now i decided to first pick meepo to let them counter me to make me better, I think meepo is suit for me , so thats why . :)


                                                              NEVER first pick meepo on ranked or say hellou to LP.

                                                              Btw listen to what Luxon wrote. FFs man the higher u get the more raped u will be by any hero.


                                                                @Lex thats why i create smurf ;)


                                                                  Nice way of thinking. I dont care about others cos its a smurf. Go F yourself.


                                                                    q-e invoker is managable, q-w rapes meepo. most invoker players doesnt know that and even around 5k, they just go q-e against me which is a big mistake, you should get hex immidiately after dragon lance. If he goes q-w then you should consider maxing geo instead of poof because 1: say goodbye to your mana 2: even if you have mana, your poofs will get cancalled with qqq and tornado. Maxing geo may reduce your cs but it gives you a big chance to kill invoker and even scare him off to another lane. 1-0-1-1 build with dust is enough to kill invoker, or just wait for lvl 4 and give another lvl to your earthbind if you are having a hard time catching him. Also you always need poof at lvl 4 or 5 to tp between your meepos


                                                                      I would suggest all others than ywn in this forum sftu and let him give sth actually useful
                                                                      Oh no lets hear it from the guy who gets vlads to do rosh with 3 meeps bc it wins u gamez
                                                                      Or u can learn from the guy who thinks mid meepo is so bad


                                                                        I play with and against meepos in my bracket who onl know how to poof combo, so their farm ends up shit and we eventually win unless enemy is braindead


                                                                          I can poof blink and farm but im not playing agressive enough i know that and im trying to fix it


                                                                            Mid meepo is quite hard actually in mid-high mmr(around 4.5k), because your supports don't really understand the importance of helping you dominate mid and your opponent can't be easily tricked to give you some kills. That's why I only play him as a carry now.

                                                                            neither do the enemy supports, nor the enemy midlaner know those things.

                                                                            so you're safe to outplay and kill them.

                                                                            NEVER first pick meepo on ranked or say hellou to LP.

                                                                            absolutley wrong, if you want to master a hero(including meep meep) then you go solo ranked and INSTAPICK HIM

                                                                            let your enemies counter you

                                                                            you won't learn anything if you're spoon fed

                                                                            when you jump into a pool; either you drown or you learn to swim


                                                                              Or you hit the bottom of the pool and walk back to the bit that's less deep and get your head above water.


                                                                                maxing geo instead of poof

                                                                                L o L


                                                                                  Im sorry, i forgot that there is only 1 skill build and 1 item build for every single hero and we should always copy professionals because fuck logic
                                                                                  No ones gonna take u serious

                                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                                    ^^^ are you fucking kidding me, how braindead do you have to be to think that sacrificing ur farming tool and burst damage is worth a marginal increase in dps in the niche circumstance where you lose all of your mana before poofing even once

                                                                                    surely you would have played max geostrike once and realized you farm a million times slow and never done it again, right?

                                                                                    it's not that people just "imitate pros" it's that there are effective builds and non-effective builds, effective builds get spammed to shit in pubs and non effective builds have 3ks like you arguing for them in this forum


                                                                                      heh road to 4k


                                                                                        good luck using that amazing farming skill with no mana, even with mana 5k q-w vokers will distrupt your poof with tornado/qqq to fuck up your farm. i gave you the solution. People who cant play meepo should not comment on a meepo post, you are not even in a postion to discuss this hero. Sure u can go max poof against q-w voker if u're playing around 3k it works i guess..


                                                                                          forget about abed!!! see this guy Spriggan (number 177 on the EU leadersboard)
                                                                                          this is an example match of him owning VP.No[o]ne
                                                                                          a 21 min game !! 1.3K XPM and 1K GPM!!!!!


                                                                                            I mean if ur a fan of petyr baelish u have to be some kind of retard


                                                                                              I love when some random normal skill comments on a topic he has no idea what he is talking about.

                                                                                              Guys today im gonna test on ranked game mid meepo first pick, maxing geostrike against invoker. Wish me luck. lel


                                                                                                i started playing meepo when it first released 10 years ago with over 1.5k games so i think i know what im talking about, + i dont know what makes you think im normal skill since even in this account it clearly says 3.5-4k

                                                                                                i dont really recommenend first picking meepo, yes it will make you play better against your counters since u're gonna face them every game but you will get reported by your teammates before the game starts, and they wont bother commending you after you win the game all by yourself. The idea is not bad but community is.

                                                                                                anyway, this was my advice for OP since he was having a hard time dealing with it. I dont care if u do it or not. I wont comment to this post anymore.

                                                                                                Edit: i get it you were talking about my party games with 2 of my 2k mmr real life friends (2k+2k+4k)/3 =2.6k

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