General Discussion

General Discussionsometimes we catch a cold and we see a doctor

sometimes we catch a cold and we see a doctor in General Discussion
inst:  MissMissclick

    dear doctors of dota buff. my symptoms are, incredible amounts of feeding every game. lmao. what's wrong? this is weird. its like i forgot how to dots.

    inst:  MissMissclick

      look at the number of deaths of my past few games. what on earth is this madness


        yea big feed ur feeding most by ur bad position nothing else and map awarness ofc


          Dr. House is here.


            dont feed.

            casual gamer

              just pick heroes that it is easy to not die as like underlord, ember spirit and not stuff like drow lol

              inst:  MissMissclick

                did u see my sven game? the hero is not the issue

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                House Cat

                  meatballs are delicious