General Discussion

General DiscussionSeemsGood THANKS BASED MODS SeemsGood

SeemsGood THANKS BASED MODS SeemsGood in General Discussion

    SeemsGood THANKS BASED MODS SeemsGood

    Johnny Rico

      WTF MODS, pure bullshit, ban the topics but not the guy from the forum, that continues to post gay porn.

        Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

          holy shit mods did something right for once. only took gay porn spam

          now while ur on a roll update hero rankings thanks.

          Este comentario fue editado
          Johnny Rico

            there are still topics with him...


              INB4 Marlan ban

              D the Superior
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                doc joferlyn simp


                  < blank >


                    2k indog monkey

                      Banned free marlan this forum

                      Pale Mannie

                        what happened exactly?

                        Johnny Rico

                          Gay guy put explicit image of gay porn in every topic on the front page.


                            I had to drink a brain bleach because of that russian gay bastard.


                              Lul wtf

                              Johnny Rico

                                fuck everytime i close my eyes i have flashbacks