General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is your own definition of "Outplayed"

What is your own definition of "Outplayed" in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Kindly elaborate based on your doto 2 experience.


      When one exceed everyone expectation. Riki destroying Slardar, melee heroes destroying OD in laning stage, juke and survive when everyone think you are going to die, etc.

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        out played means to me that u fucked up cause and just because enemy team playing better than your team that in case you team playing in his full power and no one throwing the game and u did what u had to do

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          when the resulting outcome is influenced by one's individually favorable actions more so than soley the mistakes of the opponent. i believe when the opponent comes to the self-realization to make this remark (i.e we/i got outplayed) does it more accurately reflect an outplay, because it "takes one to know one"


            true definition of outplayed

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              first picked support wyvern tped to offlane warded both camps, enemy trilane of sd/et/ursa tries to kill me over and over, i solo kill ursa and force 3 heros to sit there and im level 5 when the support sd and et are level 2

              Mode adiman

                when u lose


                  Wrecked by something you should be able to handle
                  Getting shred by bounty as slardar as an example


                    When you play io mid in 6k game and enemy invoker rage quit After 5 min cuz you killed him twice. Check this stream and you will See outplayed.

                    ARC WARDEN



                        i think theres a difference between misplay and outplay

                        a good morph winning against a bad am is just a misplay

                        a good morph winning against a good am by making better decisions is an outplay


                          Someone pick alch on my mmr


                            Running 3 vs 1 as alch. Pop ult when juke. W8 for a while turnback kill 2 of them. Last one run out of vision but i dodge my second skill with manta and kill the last guy