General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to break HG against a good Arc Warden

How to break HG against a good Arc Warden in General Discussion

    As in title. Any Tips how to break HG against this hero ? Also together with a decent Io and Drow ranger in 1 team.

    Although we lost, it was by far my most interesting game in my doto life.

    I completely raped their 6k booster drow, who was left solo on safe lane. But somehow this little arc nigga from woods managed to get midas manta mealstrom very fast. He was farming while we got all t1s and t2s.

    So genenarlly we tried to push like 3 times with Aegis, 6-slotted luna with mkb and 6-slotted Invoker and it was impossible to deal any dmg to buildings cos of this freakin Arc Warden Field. On the other hand he was spamming manta, and drow manta and Io saving 100 hp heros all the time.

    Why does mkb not work on buildings affected by this Arc field ? Dont u think its qute too op ? Also cooldown on his ultimate ? I remember in dota 1 it used to be very long. Now its so short he can almost literally keep towers under field all the time. Although we managed to get megas after outrageous effort, we could not do anything against this fat rat.

    Any thoughts ? Picks ?

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      I remember my game, against an arc warden, Took us 143 mins to even get megas against that fucker, and still ended the game at 162 minutes.
      try split pushing against him, idk just wait for someone who plays him like cookie to answer, Valve should nerf that hero again tbh

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      Hanamichi Sakuragi

        I'm not like Cookie but...
        You need to get the initiation on him/them, and do it good.
        For picks as the usual, jumpy heroes.
        Split pushing against him works.
        He doesn't wanna go too far to get jumped on.
        If he uses ult, get back and regroup asap and wait for it to go off.
        Act like you're gonna push then wait for him to use 2nd on the tower, zone him out and jump on him and his team.
        And yeah, he can almost keep towers under field all the time but that part makes him vulnerable. (Unless you can't zone him out)


          Man he was spamming ult then manta on illu, then manta on main again then ult again. There was no way we could wait, cos it was constant.

          Ofc we could just dive them while luna would sit in the field and deal Tower Damage, but we all died this way.... 3 times in order to get 2 set of raxx.

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          Hanamichi Sakuragi

            Arc Warden with Manta is like Terrorblade without Sunder.
            I'm guessing stuff that counters Terrorblade?


              we had last pick ww, maybe silencer would be much better or some enigma shit i dunno. Just wondering about the right picks. Probably also a meele carry is a must.

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                I dodge the game when I see an Arc Warden spammer in the enemy team. ROFL

                Hanamichi Sakuragi

                  Arc Warden gets banned every fucking time thou.


                    On your MMR, yes
                    Retards tend to ban my AM every game tho

                    Dire Wolf

                      arc is a problem cus of his split push so you can't just push in waves, but actually aghs drow probably had more to do with defending that highground, can't believe no maelstrom tho


                        I struggle against am and meepo when I play arc warden, otherwise it's a auto win in my bracket.

                        ARC WARDEN

                          Why does mkb not work on buildings affected by this Arc field ?

                          mkb true strike doesnt work to enemy structure.


                            Most attack modifications don't work on buildings. By attack modification I mean Most UAMs, Crits, Bashes, Truestrike, cleave, etc. The only thing I can think of that does work is Deso (and blight stone) and Clinkz's Searing arrows.

                            The only way to really push vs Arc, is to kill him. Either Dive the towers and kill him or wait for him to leave base and then gank him.


                              Ok yestarday i lost another 2 games against arc warden. U really need a coordinated team to win against this hero. But its hard to communicate when most of eu w players speak russian language.

                              The only one ez game I had against this hero was when i played meepo.

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                                stop listening to normal skills forfl


                                  500 gpm



                                  Good arc warden


                                    Well Cookie thats the problem about this hero in pubs. U dont even have to be good with it and still win with it. Every game against this hero is a nightmare.

                                    Unless Arc player is totally new to this hero, he will win mid in most cases, and then proceed to rat. I think im just gonna learn this crap myself, cos it seems too op right now.

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                                      when he has that build you can do whatever you want to him and he'll die

                                      just get a dust and a blink dagger and he's dead

                                      tell everyone to just jump him on the hg and burst him

                                      alternatively, if you somehow cant jump him(idk how would that be possible to mess with their lineup)

                                      you can splitpush mutliple lanes at the same time

                                      be split in groups of 2/3, never solo

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                                        But what about our mid player ? Double mid with roaming support ?

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                                          who cares bout the laning phase, this is mid>lategame pushing time


                                            k thx, appreciated


                                              you can also counter an ark during the first 3 levels if you just burn all of his regen as a support

                                              or kill him

                                              then he becomes pretty much useless for the next 10 min because he can't kill your midlaner when arc hits 6

                                              and arc is pretty shit against early push strats(sub 10 min) like huskar + omni

                                              where he cant do anything about the 5 man push because he has no maelstorm to de-push

                                              and his abilities pretty much become impossible to land because everyone's clumped up togeahter

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